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Title: Optimalisasi Proses Transesterifikasi Minyak Ikan Tuna (Thunnus sp.) Menggunakan Response Surface Method dan Uji Kestabilan Produk Etil Esternya
Other Titles: Optimization of Tuna (Thunnus sp.) Oil Transesterification Process Using Response Surface Method and Stability Test of Their Ethyl Ester Product
Authors: Suseno, Sugeng Heri
Nugraha, Roni
Yulianto, Agus
Issue Date: 16-Jan-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Minyak ikan tuna kasar dari hasil samping produksi pengalengan belum dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pangan karena kualitas yang rendah. Minyak ikan umumnya dalam bentuk trigleserida. Minyak ikan selain dalam bentuk trigliserida, juga disajikan dalam bentuk struktur kimia etil ester yang mempunyai kestabilan terhadap oksidasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan trigliserida. Kandungan asam lemak omega-3 yang tinggi pada trigliserida minyak ikan menyebabkan minyak tersebut cenderung tidak stabil terhadap kerusakan oksidasi, sehingga perlu dibuat minyak ikan dalam bentuk etil ester yang lebih stabil dengan proses transesterifikasi. Transesterifikasi dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, yaitu suhu, kecepatan pengadukan, rasio molar etanol-minyak dan konsentrasi katalis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi NaOH dan suhu terhadap parameter oksidasi minyak etil ester dari hasil samping minyak ikan tuna hasil pengalengan yang sesuai dengan standar IFOS serta uji kestabilan produk etil ester. Penelitian dilakukan dalam empat tahap yakni karakterisasi minyak ikan tuna kasar, uji pendahuluan dengan transesterifikasi minyak ikan tuna dengan perlakuan NaOH (0; 0,5; 1; 1,5)% (b/b) dari reaktan dengan suhu (60; 70 dan 80)°C, mengoptimalisasi konsentrasi NaOH dan suhu transesterifikasi menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology dan mengevaluasi kestabilan minyak etil ester terpilih selama penyimpanan dengan schaal oven test. Total asam lemak jenuh (SFA) pada minyak ikan tuna kasar sebesar 31,59%. Adapun asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal (MUFA) sebesar 30,34%, sedangkan asam lemak tak jenuh majemuk (PUFA) adalah sebesar 24,94%. PUFA didominasi DHA (14,15%), sementara kandungan asam lemak EPA sebesar 2,90%. Minyak ikan tuna ditransesterifikasi menjadi etil ester terpilih yakni perlakuan dengan konsentrasi NaOH 0,5% dan suhu 60 °C, dengan total oksidasi (totoks) 7,14±0,4 mEq/kg. Selanjutnya dilakukan optimalisasi menggunaan pendekatan response surface methodology dengan variasi konsentrasi NaOH dan suhu. Kombinasi kedua faktor menghasilkan kondisi optimum suhu reaksi 55 ̊C dan konsentrasi NaOH 0,7% (b/b). Validasi kondisi optimum menghasilkan nilai rendemen 92,33±0,31%, bilangan peroksida 1,73±0 mEq/kg, bilangan p-anisidin 1,1±0,09 mEq/kg dan total oksidasi 4,4±0,09 mEq/kg. Hasil optimum tersebut dilanjutkan dengan uji kestabilan, penyimpanan etil ester dilakukan dengan metode schaal oven test dengan suhu 40 ºC. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran nilai totoks yang disesuaikan dengan standar IFOS (2014), penambahan tokoferol 0,06 ppm mampu menjaga kestabilan etil ester selama 180 hari jika dikonversi sama dengan 6 bulan.
Crude tuna fish oil from the by-product of canning production cannot be used for food because of its low quality. Fish oil is generally in the form of triglycerides. Apart from being in the form of triglycerides, fish oil is also presented in the form of an ethyl ester chemical structure which has a higher stability to oxidation than triglycerides. The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil triglycerides causes the oil unstable against oxidation, so it is necessary to make fish oil in the form of a more stable ethyl ester by transesterification process. Transesterification is caused by various factors, temperature, stirring speed, ethanol-oil molar ratio and catalyst concentration. This study aims to evaluate the effect of differences in NaOH concentration and temperature on the oxidation parameters of ethyl ester oil from by-products of canned tuna oil according to IFOS standards and the stability test of ethyl ester products. This research was carried out in four stages, namely characterization of crude tuna fish oil, preliminary test by transesterification of tuna fish oil with NaOH (0; 0.5; 1; 1.5)% (w/w) form the reactants, with temperature (60; 70 and 80) °C, optimizing the concentration of NaOH and transesterification temperature using the response surface methodology and evaluating the stability of the selected ethyl ester oil during storage using the schaal oven test Total Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA) in crude tuna fish oil were 31.59%. The Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA) were 30.34%, while the Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) were 24.94%. PUFA is dominated by DHA (14.15%), while the fatty acid content of EPA is 2.90%. Tuna fish oil was transesterified into selected ethyl esters, treatment with 0.5% NaOH concentration and a temperature of 60 °C, with total oxidation (totox) 7.14±0.4 mEq/kg. Furthermore, optimization was carried out using the response surface methodology approach with variations in NaOH concentration and temperature. The combination of the two factors resulted in an optimum reaction temperature of 55 °C and a NaOH concentration of 0.7% (w/w). Validation of the optimum conditions resulted in a yield value of 92.33±0.31%, peroxide value 1.73±0 mEq/kg, p-anisidine value number 1.1±0.09 mEq/kg and total oxidation 4.4±0.09 mEq/ kg. The optimum result was followed by stability test, storage of ethyl ester was carried out using the schaal oven test method at a temperature of 40 °C. Based on the results of the measurement of the totox value adjusted to the IFOS standard (2014), the addition of 0.06 ppm tocopherol was able to maintain the stability of the ethyl ester for 180 days if converted equal to 6 months. Keywords: ethyl ester, fish oil, IFOS, oxidation
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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