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Title: Evaluasi Usability Aplikasi Mobile Digitani Menggunakan Metode Concurrent Think Aloud dan System Usability Scale
Authors: Ramadhan, Dean Apriana
Mutmainnah, Nur Laely
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Aplikasi mobile Digitani merupakan platform yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru seputar pertanian, konsultasi dengan pakar, dan juga petani dapat berinteraksi dengan petani lainnya. Aplikasi Digitani dikelola oleh Tani Center dan dikembangkan oleh Direktorat Sistem Informasi dan Transformasi Digital IPB yang telah dikembangkan dari versi 1.0 menjadi versi 2.0. Terdapat fitur-fitur seperti artikel, berita, video, artikel konsultasi, konsul tani, forum tani, tanya pakar, dan daftar penyuluh. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan evaluasi usability terhadap aplikasi Digitani versi 2.0 kepada para pengguna, khususnya kepada petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi usability pada aplikasi Digitani menggunakan metode concurrent think aloud dan system usability scale, serta memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan usability berdasarkan hasil pengujian usability. Evaluasi usability pada aplikasi mobile Digitani versi 2.0 berhasil dilakukan dengan persentase correct conclusion data mencapai 80-100% dan menghasilkan rekomendasi perbaikan usability aplikasi Digitani. Kata Kunci: concurrent think aloud, kebutuhan pengguna, petani, system usability scale, usability
The Digitani mobile application is a platform that can be used to get the latest information about agriculture, consult with experts, and farmers can also interact with other farmers. The Digitani application is managed by the Tani Center and developed by the Directorate of Information Systems and Digital Transformation of IPB which has been developed from version 1.0 to version 2.0. There are features such as articles, news, videos, consultation articles, farmer consults, farmer forums, ask experts, and a list of extension workers. So, usability evaluation of the Digitani version 2.0 application was carried out for users, especially farmers. This study aims to evaluate the usability of the Digitani application using the concurrent think aloud method and the system usability scale, as well as provide usability improvement recommendations based on the results of usability testing. The usability evaluation of the Digitani mobile application version 2.0 was successfully carried out with the correct conclusion data percentage reaching 80-100% and resulting in recommendations for improving the usability of the Digitani application. Keywords: concurrent think aloud, farmer, system usability scale, usability, user needs
Appears in Collections:UT - Computer Science

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