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Title: Produktivitas dan Pola Musim Penangkapan Cakalang di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan 572.
Other Titles: Productivity and Seasonal Pattern of Skipjack Tuna in Fisheries Management Area 572
Authors: Simbolon, Domu
Wahju, Ronny Irawan
Siringoringo, Erti Opsa Hasiana
Issue Date: 12-Dec-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) merupakan ikan ekonomis penting di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan (WPP) 572. Informasi mengenai produktivitas ikan cakalang penting sebagai dasar untuk meningkatkan efektivitas operasi penangkapan serta memperoleh keuntungan yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung produktivitas tangkapan atau catch per unit effort (CPUE) perikanan cakalang berdasarkan unit penangkapan ikan yang ada di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan 572 yaitu handline, rawai tuna, purse seine, dan mini purse seine; menghitung produktivitas penangkapan secara temporal; dan menghitung indeks musim penangkapan (IMP) perikanan cakalang di WPP 572. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder dengan menggunakan metode analisis CPUE. Hasil penelitian produktivitas hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang unit penangkapan handline, rawai tuna, purse seine, dan mini purse seine tiap bulannya yaitu 6,89 ton/trip, 5,81 ton/trip, 5,91 ton/trip, 4,85 ton/trip, 6,93 ton/trip, 6,52 ton/trip, 7,29 ton/trip, 6,41 ton/trip, 5,29 ton/trip, 6,50 ton/trip, 5,92 ton/trip, dan 5,59 ton/trip. Produktivitas secara temporal 811,0563 ton pada musim barat; 665,75 ton pada musim peralihan bulan April-Mei; 885,3938 ton pada musim timur; dan 960,75 ton pada musim peralihan bulan Oktober-November. Nilai Indeks Musim Penangkapan (IMP) ikan cakalang di WPP 572 Musim penangkapan puncak terjadi pada bulan Mei, Juni, Juli, Oktober, Desember. Musim sedang terjadi pada bulan Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Agustus, September, November.
Skipjack tuna is an economically important fish in Fisheries Management Area (WPP) 572. Skipjack tuna that are obtained from WPP 572 are mostly caught with handline, longline, purse seine, and mini purse seine. Information about skipjack tuna productivity is important to increase the effectiveness of catch and optimize profit. The purpose of this study was to calculate catch productivity or also known as catch per unit effort (CPUE) of skipjack tuna fisheries based on fishing unit gear around WPP 572, to calculate catch productivity temporally; and Fishing Season Index skipjack tuna fisheries in WPP 572. The type of data used was secondary data with the CPUE analysis method. The results of the study showed that the productivity of skipjack tuna catches based on fishing units handline, tuna longline, purse seine, and mini purse seine each month was 6,89 tons/trip; 5,81 tons/trip; 5,91 tons/trip; 4,85 tons/trip; 6,93 tons/trip; 6,52 tons/trip; 7,29 tons/trip; 6,41 tons/trip; 5,29 tons/trip; 6,50 tons/trip; 5,92 tons/trip; and 5,59 tons/trip. Productivity temporally 811,0563 tons in the west season; 665,75 ton during the transitional season from April to May; 885,3938 tons in the east monsoon; and 960,75 tons in the transitional season from October to November. Catching season index value for skipjack tuna in WPP 572 The peak fishing season occurs in May, June, July, October, December. Moderate seasons occur in January, February, March, April, August, September, November.
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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