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Title: Studi Keterkaitan Sistem Sosial-Ekologi Perikanan Budidaya Bandeng di Wilayah Pesisir Desa Lontar, Provinsi Banten
Other Titles: Study of the Connectivity of Social-Ecological System of Milkfish Aquaculture in the Coast of Lontar Village, Banten Province
Authors: Adrianto, Luky
Zamroni, Achmad
Utomo, Alysa Noverizka
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kecamatan Tirtayasa merupakan kawasan minapolitan yang menjadi tempat kegiatan perikanan budidaya dengan komoditas unggulan ikan bandeng. Ancaman terhadap kegiatan budidaya seperti pencemaran air, banjir bandang, dan abrasi kerap mengancam keberlanjutan kegiatan budidaya di Desa Lontar. Sistem ekologi yang memiliki hubungan timbal balik dengan sistem sosial seperti yang ada pada kegiatan budidaya bandeng disebut sebagai sistem sosial-ekologi perikanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis komponen Sistem Sosial-Ekologi perikanan budidaya bandeng serta merumuskan fokus pengelolaan perikanan budidaya bandeng di Desa Lontar, Kecamatan Tirtayasa, Kabupaten Serang. Pengumpulan diperoleh dari participatory data collection, pengambilan data kualitas air pesisir Desa Lontar, dan studi literatur. Hubungan SES pada kegiatan budidaya bandeng di Desa Lontar termasuk kurang baik dan menunjukkan sinyal berkelanjutan rendah. Hasil dari analisis data kuesioner menunjukan bahwa wawasan dan kesadaran mengenai lingkungan dalam masyarakat masih minim dan hasil dari Participatory Prospective Analysis (PPA) menunjukan adanya empat variabel yang memiliki pengaruh kuat untuk dijadikan fokus pengelolaan. Rekomendasi strategi pengelolaan adalah pendekatan antara pihak pemerintah dengan masyarakat khususnya pembudidaya untuk saling mengerti antara kebutuhan pembudidaya dengan kapasitas pengaturan dari pemerintah.
Tirtayasa sub-district is a minapolitan area for aquaculture activities with the main commodity of milkfish. Threats to aquaculture activities such as water pollution, flash floods, and abrasion often threaten the sustainability of aquaculture activities in Lontar Village. Ecological systems that are related to social systems such as milkfish aquaculture activities are referred to as fisheries social-ecological systems. This research aims to describe and analyze the components of the social-ecological system of milkfish aquaculture and to formulate the management focus of milkfish aquaculture in Lontar Village, Tirtayasa District, Serang Regency. Data collection obtained from participatory data collection, data collection on coastal water quality in Lontar Village, and literature studies. The relationship between SES and milkfish cultivation in Lontar Village is not good and not sustainable. The results show that knowledge and awareness on the environment in society are still minimal and the results of the Participatory Prospective Analysis (PPA) show that there are four variables that have a strong influence to be the focus of management. The management strategy recommendation is an approach between the government and the community, especially fish farmers to mutually understand the needs of cultivators and the regulatory capacity of the government.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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