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Title: Analisis Mutu dan Konsumsi Energi Pengeringan Fluidisasi Gabah dengan Tempering
Other Titles: Quality Analysis and Energy Consumption of Grain Fluidization Drying with Tempering
Authors: Nelwan, Leopold O.
Utomo, Ahmad Latif
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pengeringan mekanis yang biasa digunakan untuk pengeringan gabah adalah menggunakan alat pengering fluidized bed dryer dengan suhu yang tinggi. Pengeringan dengan suhu tinggi biasanya tidak dilakukan hingga kadar air ±14%bb sehingga diperlukan pengeringan FBD menggunakan variasi suhu hingga mencapai kadar air ±14%bb yang ditambah dengan adanya perlakuan proses tempering di tengah pengeringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis konsumsi energi spesifik dan analisis mutu pengeringan fluidisasi gabah dengan beberapa variasi perlakuan suhu dan tempering. Perhitungan kadar air metode oven yang dilakukan dari pengambilan sampel 2 kali ulangan relatif seragam karena nilai yang dihasilkan dari kedua sampel tidak jauh berbeda. Konsumsi energi total perlakuan kombinasi 1, perlakuan kombinasi 2, dan perlakuan kombinasi 3 berturut-turut menghasilkan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3,72 kWh, 4,67 kWh, dan 3,70 kWh. Konsumsi energi panas spesifik perlakuan kombinasi 1, perlakuan kombinasi 2, dan perlakuan kombinasi 3 berturut-turut menghasilkan nilai rata-rata sebesar 35,61 MJ / kg air yang diuapkan, 41,94 MJ / kg air yang diuapkan, dan 26,31 MJ / kg air yang diuapkan. Konsumsi energi spesifik perlakuan kombinasi 1, perlakuan kombinasi 2, dan perlakuan kombinasi 3 berturut-turut menghasilkan nilai rata-rata sebesar 39,34 MJ / kg air yang diuapkan, 50,32 MJ / kg air yang diuapkan, dan 38,84 MJ / kg air yang diuapkan. Analisis mutu yang dilakukan dari penggilingan gabah perlakuan kombinasi 1 menghasilkan rata-rata beras kepala sebesar 81,8% dan 81,4% serta rata-rata beras menir sebesar 2,2% dan 2,5%. Analisis mutu perlakuan kombinasi 2 menghasilkan rata-rata beras kepala sebesar 71,5% dan 66,2% serta rata-rata beras menir sebesar 3,5% dan 3,5%. Analisis mutu perlakuan kombinasi 3 menghasilkan rata-rata beras kepala sebesar 92,3% dan 91,5% serta rata-rata beras menir sebesar 0,6% dan 0,5%.
Mechanical drying commonly used for grain drying is to use a fluidized bed dryer with a high temperature. Drying with high temperatures is usually not carried out until the water content is ±14%wb, so it is necessary to dry FBD using temperature variations until it reaches a water content of ±14%wb plus the tempering process treatment in the middle of drying. This study aims to analyze the total energy consumption and quality of grain fluidization drying quality with several variations of temperature and tempering treatment. The calculation of the moisture content of the oven method which was carried out from sampling 2 times was relatively uniform because the values obtained from the two samples were not much different. The total energy consumption of combination I treatment, combination II treatments, and combination III treatments, respectively resulted in an average value of 3.72 kWh, 4.67 kWh, and 3.70 kWh. The specific heat energy consumption of combination I treatment, combination II treatments, and combination III treatments, respectively resulted in an average value of 35.61 MJ / kg of evaporated water, 41.94 MJ / kg of evaporated water, and 26.31 MJ / kg of evaporated water. The specific energy consumption of combination I treatment, combination II treatments, and combination III treatments, respectively resulted in an average value of 39.34 MJ / kg of evaporated water, 50.32 MJ / kg of evaporated water, and 38.84 MJ / kg of evaporated water. Quality analysis carried out from grain milling treatment with combination I resulted in an average of 81.8% and 81.4% of head rice and an average of 2.2% and 2.5% of groats, respectively. Analysis of the quality of combination II treatments resulted in an average of 71.5% and 66.2% of head rice and an average of 3.5% and 3.5% of groats, respectively. Analysis of the quality of combination III treatments resulted in an average of 92.3% and 91.5% of head rice and an average of 0.6% and 0.5% of groats, respectively.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

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