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Title: Estimasi Stok Karbon pada Sedimen Lamun di Pulau Sintok, Menjangan Besar, dan Bengkoang, Kepulauan Karimunjawa
Other Titles: Estimation of Carbon Stock in Seagrass Sediments on Sintok Island, Menjangan Besar Island, and Bengkoang, Karimunjawa
Authors: Srimariana, Endang Sunarwati
Lestari, Dea Fauzia
Burhanudin, Reza Ilham
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji stok karbon yang tersimpan pada sedimen lamun di Pulau Sintok, Menjangan Besar, dan Bengkoang, Kepulauan Karimunjawa. Pengamatan dilakukan di ekosistem lamun untuk mendapatkan nilai kerapatan, penutupan dan jenis lamun. Pengambilan sempel sedimen dilakukan dengan metode coring bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai stok karbon yang dihitung menggunakan metode Loss on Ignition, kemudian dikombinasikan dengan nilai kerapatan dan tutupan lamun untuk mengetahui pengaruh terhadap nilai stok karbon pada keseluruhan area padang lamun. Terdapat enam spesies lamun yang ditemukan di lokasi pengamatan, yaitu spesies Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halophilla ovalis. Berdasarkan analisis stok karbon diketahui bahwa stok karbon pada sedimen lamun di Pulau Sintok sebesar 0,64 g C/cm2, Pulau Menjangan Besar sebesar 0,65 g C/cm2 dan Pulau Bengkoang 0,58 g C/cm2. Perbedaan nilai stok karbon dipengaruhi beberapa faktor seperti nilai kerapatan dan tutupan lamun dan keberadaan ekosistem lain di sektiar lokasi pengamatan
This research was conducted to assess carbon stock stored in seagrass sediments on the islands of Sintok, Menjangan Besar, and Bengkoang, Karimunjawa Island. Sampling and observation were held in the seagrass ecosystem to obtain density values, cover and types of seagrass. Sediment sampling was carried out using the coring method in order to obtain carbon stock data. The carbon stock was calculated by the Loss On Ignition (LOI) method, then combined with the density and persen cover value to determine the correlation to the carbon stock value in the entire seagrass meadow area. There were six species of seagrass found at the observation site, consist of Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halophilla ovalis. Based on carbon stock analysis, it is known that the carbon stock in seagrass sediments in Sintok Island is 0,64 g C/cm2, Menjangan Besar Island is 0,65 g C/cm2 and Bengkoang Island is 0,58 g C/cm2. The difference in the value of carbon stocks at the location of data collection is caused by several factors such as density and persen cover values, then the presence of other ecosystems around the location
Appears in Collections:UT - Marine Science And Technology

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