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Title: Manajemen Produksi Bibit Pisang (Musa spp.) di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Lebak Bulus DKI Jakarta
Other Titles: Production Management of Banana Seedlings (Musa spp.) at Tissue Culture Laboratory of Lebak Bulus DKI Jakarta
Authors: Rahayu, Megayani Sri
Wiendi, Ni Made Armini
Nazihah, Shafira Puti
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kultur jaringan merupakan metode terbaik untuk memproduksi bibit pisang yang seragam dan bebas penyakit. Kebun Bibit dan Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Lebak Bulus merupakan instansi yang melakukan produksi bibit pisang berbagai kultivar. Kegiatan magang memiliki tujuan umum untuk mempelajari manajemen laboratorium kultur jaringan pisang dan tujuan khusus untuk mempelajari regenerasi eksplan pisang di media tanam yang ditambahkan zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) pada setiap tahapan kultur jaringan yang berbeda. Tujuan umum dicapai dengan melakukan aspek manajerial sementara tujuan khusus dicapai melalui pengamatan aspek khusus. Hasil pengumpulan data pada aspek manajerial menunjukkan bahwa: (1) metode kultur jaringan yang dikembangkan di Laboratorium Lebak Bulus sudah sangat baik, (2) laboratorium perlu dirancang dengan tata ruang yang efektif, (3) organisasi dan koordinasi yang jelas dari atas ke bawah dan dari laboratorium ke kebun bibit sangat diperlukan, (4) manajemen limbah kimia sangat penting dan harus diperhatikan. Hasil pengamatan pada aspek khusus menunjukkan bahwa: (1) komposisi media tanam berbeda sesuai tahapan kultur, (2) tingkat induksi tunas saat tahap multiplikasi sangat mempengaruhi jumlah total produksi bibit, (3) benzyl amino purin (BAP) 3 mg l-1 sangat baik dalam meningkatkan induksi tunas pisang pada media MS, (4) thidiazuron (TDZ) 0,01 mg l-1 memiliki pengaruh yang sama terhadap tunas dengan auksin pada media MS, yaitu sangat baik dalam pembesaran tunas dan pembentukan organ, (5) genom dan ekspresi genetik kultivar mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tunas, namun pengaruhnya tidak sebesar pengaruh hormon tumbuhan.
Tissue culture is the best method for producing uniform and disease-free banana seedlings. Lebak Bulus Nursery and Tissue Culture Laboratory is an institution that produces banana seedlings of various cultivars. The internship has a general objective of studying management of the banana tissue culture laboratory and a specific objective to study the explant regeneration of bananas in the growing media added with plant growth regulators (PGR) at each different stage of tissue culture. General objectives are achieved by carrying out managerial aspects, while specific objectives are achieved through observing specific aspects. The results of data collection on managerial aspects indicate that: (1) the tissue culture method developed at the Lebak Bulus Laboratory is proper, (2) the laboratory needs to be designed with an effective spatial plan, (3) clear organization and coordination from top to bottom and from the laboratory to the nursery is very necessary, (4) chemical waste management is very important and must be considered. The results of observations on specific aspects showed that: (1) the composition of the growing media was different according to the stage of culture, (2) the rate of shoot induction during the multiplication stage greatly affected the total amount of seedling production, (3) benzyl amino purine (BAP) 3 mg l-1 is good in increasing banana shoot induction on MS media, (4) thidiazuron (TDZ) 0.01 mg l-1 had the same effect on shoots as auxin on MS media, which was very good in bud enlargement and organ formation, (5) genome and genetics expression of cultivar affect shoot growth, but the effect is not as prominent as the influence of plant hormones.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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