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Title: Efektivitas Media Sosial Sebagai Media Promosi Taman Hutan Raya IR. H. Djuanda di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Authors: Saleh, Amiruddin
Karwita, Gadis Cantika Puteri
Issue Date: 9-Dec-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan adanya pemberlakuan PSBB dan menimbulkan menurunnya kegiatan berwisata. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas media sosial sebagai media promosi dan melihat hubungannya dengan karakteristik konsumen, karakteristik media sosial, dan kredibilitas media sosial, serta hubungan antara efektivitas media sosial dengan keputusan berkunjung di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner untuk 50 responden dengan teknik accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas media sosial selama pandemi Covid-19 sudah cukup bagus dan memiliki hubungan dengan keputusan berkunjung wisatawan. Selain itu, karakteristik konsumen tidak memiliki hubungan dengan efektivitas media sosial sebagai media promosi selama pandemi Covid-19 sementara Karakteristik media sosial dan kredibilitas media sosial memiliki hubungan dengan efektivitas media sosial sebagai media promosi selama pandemi Covid-19.
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the implementation of PSBB and has led to a decrease in tourist activities. The study aims to analyze the effectiveness of social media as a promotional media and its relationship with consumer characteristics, social media characteristics, and social media credibility, as well as the relationship between the effectiveness of social media and the decision to visit Djuanda Forest Park during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is a quantitative method using a questionnaire for 50 respondents with an accidental sampling technique. The results showed that the effectiveness of social media Djuanda Forest Park during the Covid-19 pandemic was good and had a relationship with the decision of tourists to visit Djuanda Forest Park. In addition, consumer characteristics do not have a relationship with the effectiveness of social media while social media characteristics and social media credibility have a relationship with the effectiveness of social media as a promotional media Djuanda Forest Park during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Appears in Collections:UT - Communication and Community Development

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