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Title: Pengembangan Aplikasi Bantuan Kuota Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi dengan Metode Prototyping
Other Titles: Development of the Directorate General of Higher Education Quota Assistance Application with the Prototyping Method
Authors: Ramadhan, Dean Apriana
Zulkifli, Muhammad
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan memberikan kuota internet kepada mahasiswa dan dosen dalam rangka bantuan untuk pembelajaran daring pada masa pencegahan penularan Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). Pada proses pembagian bantuan kuota internet, diperlukan sebuah sistem yang dapat menampung pengajuan Perguruan Tinggi serta penyimpanan berkas-berkas kebutuhan administratif terkait. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan agar pengajuan bantuan oleh Perguruan Tinggi dapat tercapai dengan baik. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Metode Prototyping yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan antara lain Komunikasi, Perencanaan Cepat, Pemodelan Cepat, Pembuatan Prototipe serta Penyebaran, Pengiriman dan Umpan Balik. Penelitian menghasilkan aplikasi berbasis website dengan fitur-fitur antara lain pembuatan dan pengunggahan Surat Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Mutlak, dashboard progress pengajuan bantuan kuota, pembuatan dan pengunggahan Perjanjian Kerja Sama dan Berita Acara Serah Terima sehingga pelaksanaan program pemberian bantuan kuota dapat terlaksana dengan baik.
The government through the Ministry of Education and Culture provides internet quotas to students and lecturers in the context of assistance for online learning during the prevention of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) transmission. In the process of distributing internet quota assistance, a system is needed that can accommodate requests for quota assistance by universities and the storage of files for related administrative needs. Therefore, this research was conducted so that submissions by universities can be carried out properly. The research was conducted using the Prototyping Method which consists of several stages including Communication, Quick Plan, Modeling Quick Design, Construction of Prototype and Deployment, Delivery and Feedback. The research resulted in a web-based application with features including the creation and upload of a Statement of Absolute Responsibility, a progress dashboard for submitting quota assistance, the creation and upload of a Cooperation Agreement and Handover Report so that the implementation of the program for providing quota assistance to students and lecturers can be carried out with good.
Appears in Collections:UT - Computer Science

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