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Title: Efektifitas Perangkap Sarang dalam Memperoleh Koloni Kelulut
Other Titles: Trap-Nest Effectivity in Trapping Stingless Bee Colony
Authors: Priawandiputra, Windra
Atmowidi, Tri
Farhandany, Mohammad Alwan
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Trap-nest is an environmentally friendly method of obtaining wild stingless bee colonies, because the process would be done without damaging the nest structure and does not require colony relocation to a new nest box. In spite of its advantages, this technique has not yet been systematically studied well. The study aims to verify the occupation rate, find the preferred material for the stingless bee colonies, and species diversity that can be obtained by the trap-nest. In evaluating those aspects, 126 units of trap-nest from two different materials (plastic bottle and bamboo) containing stingless bee propolis extract as an attractant were deployed. Over a period of 6 months, 4 swarms from the species Tetragonula laeviceps were attracted to the trap-nest and established a colony inside. Not only that, as many as 33 ant colonies were also caught nesting within the trap-nest as competitors. The trap-nest technique has the potential as a standard method in obtaining stingless bee colonies for meliponiculture and conservation.
Perangkap sarang merupakan salah satu metode ramah lingkungan dalam memperoleh koloni kelulut liar, karena prosesnya dilakukan tanpa merusak struktur sarang dan tanpa harus memindahkan koloni ke kotak sarang buatan. Meski begitu, teknik ini masih belum banyak dipelajari secara sistematis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan persentase okupansi perangkap sarang, mengetahui preferensi kelulut dalam memilih material perangkap sarang, dan mengidentifikasi macam spesies yang dapat diperoleh dari metode perangkap sarang. Dalam meninjau hal tersebut, digunakan 126 unit perangkap dengan dua material berbeda (botol plastik dan bambu) yang telah diberi ekstrak propolis kelulut sebagai atraktan. Dalam waktu 6 bulan, didapati 4 koloni dari spesies Tetragonula laeviceps tertarik pada perangkap sarang material bambu dan membuat sarang didalamnya. Selain itu, sebanyak 33 koloni semut juga didapati menetap dalam perangkap sebagai kompetitor kelulut. Teknik perangkap sarang memiliki potensi sebagai metode utama perolehan koloni kelulut dalam upaya meliponikultur maupun konservasi.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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