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Title: Reproduksi Ikan Endemik Angculung Nomorhamphus liemi Vogt,1978 di Sungai Pattunuang, Maros, Sulawesi Selatan
Authors: Simanjuntak, Charles Parningotan Haratua
Rahardjo, Muhammad Fadjar
Untarjono, Fadhila Putri Rahmadani
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Nomorhamphus liemi atau dengan nama lokal ikan angculung merupakan ikan endemik di Sungai Sulawesi yang memiliki nilai ekonomis sebagai ikan hias. Aktivitas penangkapan ikan angculung yang tinggi mendorong semakin langkanya ikan ini di habitatnya. Di sisi lain, informasi biologi dan ekologi ikan ini belum ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap karakteristik reproduksi ikan angculung meliputi waktu pemijahan, ukuran ikan kali pertama matang gonad, dan strategi reproduksi di Sungai Pattunuang Sulawesi Selatan. Sampel ikan ditangkap menggunakan pukat tarik setiap bulan dari Juni 2018-Januari 2019. Analisis sampel dilakukan dari kurun waktu September 2020-Juni 2021 di Laboratorium Makrobiologi I Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nisbah kelamin ikan angculung 1:0,1, ukuran kali pertama matang gonad ikan jantan sebesar 42,50 mm dan ikan betina sebesar 45,00 mm. Ikan angculung memijah pada musim pancaroba dengan fekunditas larva berkisar antara 3-26 individu. Kondisi perairan mendukung reproduksi angculung yakni suhu air berkisar 25,5-28,3oC, oksigen terlarut 5,80-8,60 mg/l, pH 6-7,6, dan TDS 122-255 ppm. Berdasarkan periode inkubasi angculung (30 hari), maka angculung dikategorikan sebagai kelompok ikan yang melahirkan secara bertahap.
Nomorhamphus liemi or with the local name angculung is an endemic fish in the Sulawesi River which has economic value as an ornamental fish. High anculung fishing activity encourages the scarcity of this fish in their habitat. On the other hand, information on the biology and ecology of this fish is not yet exist. This study aims to reveal the reproductive characteristics of angculung including spawning time, size of fish when the gonads first mature, and reproductive strategies in the Pattunuang River, South Sulawesi. Fish samples were caught using a trawl every month from June 2018-January 2019. Sample analysis was carried out from September 2020-June 2021 at the Macrobiology Laboratory I Department of Aquatic Resources Management. The results showed that the sex ratio of angculung was 1:0.1, the size of the male’s first gonad maturity was 42.50 mm and the female was 45.00 mm. Angculung spawn in the transition season with larval fecundity ranging from 3-26 larvae. Water quality that support angculung reproduction is ranging from 25.5-28.3oC, dissolved oxygen 5.80-8.60 mg/l, pH 6-7.6, TDS 122- 255 ppm. Based on the angculung one incubation period (30 days), then the angculung is categorized as a group of fish that giving birth partially.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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