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Title: Kalkulasi Biomassa Karbon pada Ekosistem Mangrove di Pesisir Kabupaten Tangerang
Authors: Yonvitner
Al amin, Arsyad Muhammad
Sianipar, Febriani
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kabupaten Tangerang memiliki potensi mangrove di wilayah pesisirnya yang berperan penting dalam penyerapan karbon yang disimpan dalam bentuk bimassa mangrove. Penelitan ini bertujuan menentukan kemampuan mangrove dalam menyimpan karbon serta rencana pengelolaannya di Pesisir Kabupaten Tangerang. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Ketapang, Patramanggala dan Tanjung Pasir. Persamaan alometrik digunakan untuk meghitung biomassa mangrove kemudian stok karbon disetimasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kerapatan mangrove tertinggi sebesar 274 ind/ha.. Rata- rata stok karbon dan serapan emisi karbon jenis Rhizhopora stylosa adalah 0,75ton C/ha (2,74 ton CO2e/ha), jenis Avicennia marina 13,41ton C/ha (49,17 ton CO2e/ha), jenis Avicennia alba 0,50ton C/ha (1,84 ton CO2e/ha) dan jenis Rhizophora mucronata mencapai 0,14ton C/ha (0,51 ton CO2e/ha). Rata-rata stok karbon Desa Ketapang 3,70ton C/ha, Desa Patramanggala mencapai 3,32ton C/ha dan Desa Tanjung Pasir mencapai 3,55ton C/ha Kemampuan mangrove dalam menyerap karbon tertinggi ditemukan pada jenis Avicennia marina dan desa simpanan karbon tertinggi adalah Desa Ketapang.
Tangerang Regency has the potential of mangroves in its coastal areas and important role carbon sequestration and absorption in biomass. This study purpose to determine the ability of mangroves to absorb carbon and their management plans in Coastal Tangerang. The research Ketapang village, Patramangala and Tanjung Pasir. Allometric equations are used to calculate mangrove biomass and then carbon stock is estimated. The results showed the average carbon stock and carbon emission absorption of Rhizhopora stylosa is 0.75 tonsC/ha (2,74 tons CO2e/ha), Avicennia marina is 13.41tons C/ha (49,17 tons CO2e/ha) Avicennia alba is 0.50tons C/ha (1,84 tons CO2e/ha) and Rhizophora mucronata is 0.14 tons C/ha (0,51 tons CO2e/ha). The average stock carbon based on different locations, namely Ketapang Village reached 3.70tons C/ha, Patramangala Village reached 3.32tons C/ha and Tanjung Pasir Village reached 3.55tons C/ha The highest ability of mangroves to absorb carbon was found on the Avicennia marina species and the village with the highest carbon is Ketapang Village.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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