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Title: Analisis Briket Arang Berbahan Dasar Limbah Organik Padat Sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif
Authors: Husin, Abd. Djamil
Pitria, Riyah
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu briket arang berbahan dasar tempurung kelapa, serbuk gergaji kayu jati dan sekam padi berdasarkan standar SNI dengan parameter kadar air, kadar abu, kadar zat menguap dan kadar karbon serta variasi komposisi bahan baku terbaik terhadap mutu briket arang yang dihasilkan. Briket arang dibuat dengan cara konvensional dengan komposisi arang tempurung kelapa, serbuk gergaji kayu jati dan sekam padi yang berbeda serta penambahan perekat kanji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mutu briket arang sebagai berikut, kadar air 28,09 - 33,07 %, kadar abu 24,06 - 31,16 %, kadar zat menguap 2 – 18 % dan kadar karbon 53,45 – 70,41 %.
This study aims to determine the quality of charcoal briquettes made from coconut shell, teak sawdust and rice husks based on SNI standards with parameters of water content, ash content, volatile matter content and carbon content as well as variations in the composition of the best raw materials on the quality of the produced charcoal briquettes. Charcoal briquettes are made in a conventional way with different compositions of coconut shell charcoal, teak sawdust and rice husks and the addition of starch adhesive. The results showed the quality of charcoal briquettes as follows, water content 28,09 – 33,07 %, ash content 24,06 – 31,16 %, volatile matter content 2 – 18 % and carbon content 53,45 - 70,41 %.
Appears in Collections:UT - Physics

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