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Title: Status Stok Ikan Swanggi (Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier, 1829) di Teluk Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi
Other Titles: The Status Stock of Red Bigeye (Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier, 1829) in Palabuhanratu Bay, Sukabumi
Authors: Kurnia, Rahmat
Boer, Mennofatria
Prasetyo, Sandy W
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ikan swanggi (Priacanthus macracanthus) merupakan salah satu sumberdaya perikanan yang didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Palabuhanratu. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji status stok ikan swanggi yang ditangkap nelayan di Teluk Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi. Contoh ikan diperoleh dengan metode Penarikan Contoh Acak Sederhana (PCAS) dari bulan September 2021 hingga Februari 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ikan swanggi betina lebih dominan daripada ikan swanggi jantan. Koefisien pertumbuhan (K) ikan jantan dan betina adalah 0,76 dan 0,65. Laju eksploitasi (E) ikan jantan dan betina adalah 0,63 dan 0,54. Ikan swanggi jantan dan betina memiliki ukuran pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) dan ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) sebesar 214,34 mm; 180,03 mm dan 243,50 mm; 191,50 mm yang menunjukkan growth overfishing. Model Fox dipilih dari beberapa model dengan koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 61,15. Status stok ikan swanggi berdasarkan data aktual 2020 termasuk under fishing. Maximum sustainable yield biomass (BMSY) ikan swanggi jantan dan betina sebesar 6% dan 15% yang menunjukkan recruitment overfishing.
Red Bigeye (Priacanthus macracanthus) is one of the landed fishery resources in Nusantara Fishing Port (PPN) Palabuhanratu. This research aims to find out the status stock of red bigeye caught by a fisherman in Palabuhanratu Bay, Sukabumi. Fish samples were carried out using the Simple Random Sampling (SRS) method from September 2021 until February 2022. The results showed that red bigeye females were more dominant than males. Male and female growth coefficients (K) are 0,76 and 0,65. The exploitation rates (E) of males and females are 0,63 and 0,54. The males and females had the length of first caught (Lc) and length of the first maturity (Lm) were 214,34 mm; 180,03 mm and 243,50 mm; 191,50 mm which indicates growth overfishing. The Fox Model was selected from several models with a determination coefficient (R2) is 61,15. Red bigeye stock status based on actual data in 2020 was categorized as under fishing. The maximum sustainable yield biomass (BMSY) of Redbigeye males and females is 6% and 15% indicating that had been recruitment overfishing.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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