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Title: Karakteristik Minuman Herbal Madu Hutan dibandingkan Manuka dengan Penambahan Qusthul Hindi dan Ekstrak Temulawak
Other Titles: Characteristics of Manuka compared Forest Honey Herbal Drinks with The Addition of Qusthul Hindi and Turmeric
Authors: Suryati, Tuti
Apriantini, Astari
Endrawati, Yuni Cahya
Septiani, Aulia
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Madu manuka dan madu hutan merupakan jenis madu yang sering dikonsumsi karena sifat antioksidannya yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik madu hutan dan manuka serta aplikasi madu tersebut sebagai minuman herbal dengan penambahan qusthul hindi dan temulawak. Penambahan qusthul hindi dan temulawak diberikan masing-masing dalam dua formulasi (0,125 g dan 0,375 g). Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yaitu menganalisis karakteristik madu manuka dan madu hutan serta pembuatan minuman herbal untuk kemudian dianalisis karakteristiknya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik madu hutan belum memenuhi standar pada variabel pH, nilai HMF, dan aktivitas enzim diastase, sedangkan untuk madu manuka hanya memenuhi standar pada variabel kadar air, nilai HMF, dan aktivitas enzim diastase. Penambahan qusthul hindi dan temulawak pada minuman herbal menyebabkan peningkatan nilai pH, aktivitas penghambatan DPPH, dan kapasitas antioksidan, namun secara sensori tidak disukai karena penambahan rempah menyebabkan perubahan rasa dan penampilan.
Manuka and forest honeys are types of honeys that are widely consumed because for their high antioxidant properties. In this study, the properties of forest and manuka honey and the use honey as a herbal drink with the addition of qusthul hindi and turmeric were analyzed. The addition of qusthul hindi and turmeric is given in two formulations (0,125 g and 0,375 g, respectively). This study was conducted in two sphase, namely analyzing the characteristics of manuka and forest honey and preparing herbal drinks to then analyzing their properties. The results showed that the properties of forest honey do not meet the standards for the variables of pH, HMF value, and diastase enzyme activity, while manuka honey meets the standards only for variables of moisture, HMF value, and diastase enzyme activity. The addition of qusthul hindi and turmeric to herbal drinks results in an increase in pH, DPPH inhibitoty activity, and antioxidant capacity, as well as a decrease of water content, but is not sensory evaluated because the addition of spices causes changes in taste and appearance.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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