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Title: Kajian Stok Ikan Kurisi (Nemipterus japonicus Bloch, 1791) di Perairan Selat Sunda, Banten
Other Titles: Stock study of Japanese Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus japonicus, Bloch 1791) in Sunda Strait, Banten
Authors: Boer, Mennofatria
Kurnia, Rahmat
Mahendra, Mochamad Farid
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ikan kurisi merupakan ikan demersal yang termasuk ikan ekonomis penting dan sering tertangkap di perairan Selat Sunda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi status stok sumberdaya ikan kurisi di Selat Sunda yang didaratkan di PPP Labuan, Banten sebagai dasar informasi pengelolaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September 2019 sampai Februari 2020. Total ikan contoh pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 199 ekor ikan jantan dan 218 ekor ikan betina. Nisbah kelamin pada penelitian ini menunjukkan ikan kurisi berada dalam keadaan seimbang. Pola pertumbuhan ikan kurisi allometrik negatif. Ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) ikan kurisi lebih panjang dibanding ukuran pertama kali tertangkap (Lc). Puncak peremajaan ikan kurisi jantan dan betina terjadi pada bulan Mei dan Agustus. Mortalitas dan laju eksploitasi menunjukkan ikan kurisi sudah dieksploitasi secara berlebih. Hasil analisis tangkapan lestari maksimum menunjukkan nilai upaya aktual telah melebihi nilai upaya lestari
Japanese threadfin bream is a demersal fish which is an important economic fish and is often caught in the waters of the Sunda Strait. The purpose of this research is to identify the stock status of japanese threadfin bream resources in the Sunda Strait which landed at PPP Labuan, Banten as the basic for information management. The research was conducted from September 2019 until February 2020. The total fish samples in this research were 199 males and 218 females. The sex ratio in this research shows that Japanese threadfin bream in Sunda Strait are in a state of balance. The growth pattern of Japanese threadfin bream is allometric negative. The length at first maturity (Lm) of Japanese threadfin bream longer than the length at first captured (Lc). The peak recruitment of male and female Japanese threadfin bream occurred in May and August. The mortality and exploitation rate showed that the Japanese threadfin bream are overexploited. The result of maximum sustainable yield shows that the actual effort value has exceeded the sustainable effort value
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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