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Title: Evaluasi In Vitro Ransum Sapi Perah dengan Protein dari Kedelai diproteksi Formaldehid, NFC Asal Jagung, dan Suplementasi Sulfur
Other Titles: In vitro Evaluation of Dairy Cow Rations with Formaldehyde Protected Soybean Based and Corn as NFC Source and Sulfur Supplementation
Authors: Permana, Idat Galih
Evvyernie, Dwierra
Salsabila, Lu'lu' Nabila
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi efektivitas proteksi kedelai menggunakan formaldehid yang disuplementasi dengan sumber NFC berupa jagung dan mineral sulfur dalam ransum sapi perah, melalui aktivitas mikroba di dalam rumen in vitro. Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan 5 perlakuan ransum dan 4 kelompok berupa frekuensi pengambilan cairan rumen. Perlakuan terdiri atas P1 (Ransum tanpa penggunaan jagungdan tanpa penggunaan kedelai), P2 (Ransum P1 + jagung sebagai sumber NFC), P3 (Ransum P2 + biji kedelai tidak diproteksi), P4 (Ransum P2+ biji kedelai diproteksi formaldehid 1,0%), dan P5 (Ransum P4 + Mineral Na2SO4). Peubah yang diukur berupa pH, fermentabilitas (produksi VFA total dan konsentrasi NH3), populasi protozoa dan bakteri total, serta kecernaan ransum (koefisien cerna bahan kering dan bahan organik). Data dianalisis dengan analysis of varians (ANOVA) dan perbedaan hasil diuji lanjut menggunakan Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proteksi kedelai dan penambahan jagung nyata menurunkan konsentrasi amonia dan konsentrasi VFA total (P<0,05), namun tidak mempengaruhi peubah lainnya. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah proteksi kedelai menggunakan formaldehid yang disertai dengan suplementasi jagung efektif mengurangi degradasi kedelai oleh mikroba rumen, sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan sumbangan protein ransum yang diserap di organ pasca rumen.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of soybean protection using formaldehyde supplemented with NFC sources in the form of corn and mineral sulfur in dairy cattle rations, through microbial activity in the rumen in vitro. Randomized Block Design (RAK) was used in this study with 5 ration treatments and 4 groups in the form of rumen intake frequency. The treatments consisted of P1 (Ration without the use of corn and without the use of soybeans), P2 (Ration P1 + corn as a source of NFC), P3 (Ration P2 + unprotected soybean seeds), P4 (Ration P2+ soybean seeds protected formaldehyde 1.0%), and P5 (Ration P4 + Mineral Na2SO4). The variables measured were pH, fermentability (total VFA production and NH3 concentration), total population of protozoa and bacteria, and feed digestibility (digestibility coefficient of dry matter and organic matter). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the difference in results was further tested using Duncan. The results showed that soybean protection and corn addition significantly reduced ammonia concentration and total VFA concentration (P<0.05), but did not affect other variables. The conclusion of this research is that soybean protection using formaldehyde accompanied by corn supplementation is effective in reducing soybean degradation by rumen microbes, so it is expected to increase the contribution of ration protein absorbed in postrumen organs.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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