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Title: Serangga Hama dan Artropoda Lain pada Pertanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) di Desa Margoluwih, Kecamatan Seyegan, Kabupaten Sleman.
Authors: Pudjianto
Istiaji, Bonjok
Solikah, Naimas Ayu
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Cabai rawit merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura penting di Indonesia. Dalam budi daya tanaman cabai petani umumnya menggunakan teknik-teknik konvensional meskipun teknik tersebut dapat menimbulkan dampak buruk pada populasi hama dan ekosistemnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perkembangan populasi hama cabai rawit dan melihat kelimpahan artropoda tanah pada lahan tanaman cabai yang dibudi dayakan secara konvensional di Sleman Yogyakarta. Lahan tanaman cabai dibagi menjadi lima petak pengamatan yang masing-masing berukuran 5 m x 20 m. Pengamatan hama secara langsung dilakukan terhadap 20 tanaman contoh pada tiap petak pengamatan yang diambil dengan metode dua diagonal. Tanaman cabai rawit diamati dari umur 3 MST (minggu setelah tanam) hingga 15 MST dengan interval pengamatan 7 hari. Pada fase vegetatif (3-5 MST), pengamatan dilakukan terhadap seluruh bagian tanaman cabai, sedangkan memasuki fase generatif pengamatan dilakukan terhadap semua pucuk tanaman cabai hingga 5 daun ke bawah. Kelimpahan artropoda diamati menggunakan perangkap pitfall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi hama lebih variatif ketika tanaman memasuki fase generatif dibandingkan dengan fase vegetatif. Spesies serangga hama yang paling mendominasi pada penelitian ini ialah kutu daun sebanyak 23.175 individu, Bemisia tabaci 1.761 individu, dan Spodoptera litura 201 individu. Artropoda lain yang mendominasi pada penelitian ini tergabung dalam kelompok famili Formicidae sebanyak 979 individu. Kata kunci: artropoda, budi daya, cabai rawit, serangga hama
Cayenne pepper is one of the important horticultural commodities in Indonesia. In chili cultivation, the majority of farmers still use conventional techniques that have a negative impact on the pest populations and their ecosystems. This study aims to determine the population development of cayenne pepper insect pests and the abundance of soil arthropods on cayenne pepper field cultivated conventionally in Sleman, Yogyakarta. A cayenne pepper field was divided into five plots of 5 m x 20 m each. Observations of insect pests were carried out directly on 20 sample plants in each observation plot taken with two diagonal method. Cayenne pepper was observed from the age of 3 WAP (weeks after planting) to 15 WAP with an observation interval of 7 days. All parts of the sample plants were observed when cayenne pepper was in vegetative phase (3-5 WAP), and all shoots with 5 top leaves were observed when the plants in the generative phase. Arthropod abundance was observed using pitfall traps. The results showed that the pest population was more varied when the plant entered the generative phase compared to the vegetative phase. The most dominant insect pest species in this study were aphids as many as 23175 individuals, Bemisia tabaci 1761 individuals, and Spodoptera litura 201 individuals. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (as many as 979 individuals) were the most abundant arthropods trapped in pitfall traps set in cayenne pepper field. Keywords: arthropods, cayenne pepper, cultivation, insect pests
Appears in Collections:UT - Plant Protection

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