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Title: Evaluasi In Vitro Pakan Sapi Perah dengan Penambahan Kedelai Terproteksi Autoclave, Gaplek sebagai Sumber NFC, dan Sulfur
Other Titles: In Vitro Evaluation of Dairy Cattle Feed with Autoclave Protected Soybean Addition, Cassava as NFC Source, and Sulfur
Authors: Permana, Idat Galih
Amirroenas, Dwierra Evvyernie
Anggarini, Febby Yustika
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi secara in vitro pengaruh proteksi kedelai menggunakan autoclave yang disertai dengan suplementasi gaplek sebagai sumber non fiber carbohydrate (NFC) dan sulfur terhadap fermentabilitas, kecernaan ransum, dan populasi mikroba rumen. Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan 5 perlakuan ransum dan 4 kelompok berupa frekuensi pengambilan cairan rumen. Perlakuan terdiri atas P1 (ransum kontrol tanpa gaplek dan kedelai), P2 (ransum P1+sumber NFC gaplek), P3 (ransum P1+sumber NFC gaplek dan kedelai), P4 (ransum P1+sumber NFC gaplek dan kedelai terproteksi autoclave), dan P5 (ransum P1+sumber NFC gaplek, kedelai terproteksi autoclave, dan Na2SO4). Peubah yang diamati adalah pH, produksi VFA total, konsentrasi amonia, populasi protozoa dan bakteri total, serta kecernaan (KcBk dan KcBO). Data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam (ANOVA) dan uji lanjut berupa uji kontras ortogonal dan Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan nyata menurunkan produksi VFA total (P<0,05), namun tidak memengaruhi peubah lainnya. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah proteksi autoclave terhadap kedelai yang disertai dengan suplementasi gaplek dan sulfur efektif dalam mencegah terjadinya degradasi oleh mikroba di dalam rumen, sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap kecukupan protein asal ransum yang diserap dalam alat pencernaan pasca rumen.
This study aimed to evaluate in vitro the effect of soybean protection using an autoclave accompanied by cassava supplementation as a source of non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) and sulfur on the fermentability, digestibility of the ration, and rumen microbial population. Randomized Block Design (RBD) was used in this study with 5 ration treatments and 4 groups in the form of the frequency of rumen fluid collection. The treatments consisted of P1 (control diet without cassava and soybeans), P2 (P1 ration+cassava NFC source), P3 (P1 ration+cassava and soybean NFC source), P4 (P1 ration+autoclave protected cassava and soybean NFC source), and P5 (ration P1+source of NFC cassava, autoclave protected soybeans, and Na2SO4). The observed variables were rumen fluid pH value, total VFA concentration, ammonia concentration, protozoa population, and DMD and OMD. Data were analyzed using variance (ANOVA) and further tests in the form of Duncan's test and orthogonal contrast. The results showed that the treatment significantly reduced the total VFA production (P<0.05), but had not affected the other variables. The conclusion of this study is that autoclave protection against soybeans accompanied by cassava and sulfur supplementation is effective in preventing degradation by microbes in the rumen, so it is expected to contribute to the adequacy of protein from the ration absorbed in the post-rumen digestive tract.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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