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Title: Sintesis Biohidrokarbon dari Minyak Goreng Sawit Menggunakan Reaktor Pirolisis dengan Variasi Suhu
Authors: Purwoko
Setyaningsih, Dwi
Siagian, Crisman Arianto Saputra
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Sintesis biofuel dari minyak nabati menggunakan reaktor pirolisis dipelajari sebagai alternatif proses biohidrokarbon yang memiliki sifat mirip dengan bahan bakar fosil. Penelitian ini menggunakan minyak goreng sawit sebagai bahan baku yang direaksikan pada suhu yang dinaikkan secara bertahap mulai dari 225, 250, 275, dan 300°C serta menggunakan zeolit sebagai katalis. Senyawa volatil yang terkondensasi dikumpulkan berdasarkan fraksi dan dianalisa warna, densitas, viskositas kinematik, kadar air, titik tuang, nilai kalor, dan komposisi senyawa volatil berdasarkan analisa GCMS. Minyak goreng sawit sebagai bahan baku memiliki kadar air 0.095% (b/b), viskositas kinematik 41.25 mm2/s, titik tuang 20°C, dan nilai kalor 39.93 MJ/Kg. Fraksi biohidrokarbon pada berbagai temperatur memiliki warna merah sampai kuning cerah, fase cair dan hanya fraksi 300°C yang memiliki fraksi padat. Densitas biohidrokarbon berkisar antara 0.8452 – 0.8527 g/cm3(40°C), viskositas kinematik 3.0726 – 3.8137 mm2/s, kadar air 0.0801 - 0.1878% (b/b), dan titik tuang 4 - 22°C. Densitas, viskositas kinematik, dan titik tuang dari fraksi suhu 225 - 275°C memenuhi standar nasional biodiesel dan solar. Senyawa volatil terdiri atas asam dekanoat, asam undekanoat, asam dodekanoat, heptadekena, heptadekana, asam tetradekanoat, dan asam heksadekanoat. Komponen senyawa volatil yang dominan masih berupa asam heksadekanoat (42.8 – 71.6%). Secara umum, karakteristik dan profil senyawa volatil fraksi 225, 250, dan 275°C memiliki kesamaan dan berbeda dengan fraksi 300oC.
The synthesis of biofuels from vegetable oil using a pyrolysis reactor was studied as an alternative to the bio hydrocarbon process which has properties similar to fossil fuels. This research used palm cooking oil as raw material that reacted at a temperature gradually increased from 225, 250, 275, and 300°C, and used zeolite as a catalyst. The condensed volatile compounds were collected based on the fraction and analyzed for color, density, kinematic viscosity, moisture content, pour point, caloric value, and composition of volatile compounds based on GCMS analysis. Palm cooking oil as a raw material has a moisture content of 0.095% (w/w), kinematic viscosity of 41.25 mm2/s, a pour point of 20°C, and a calorific value of 39.93 MJ/Kg. The bio hydrocarbon fractions at various temperatures have a red to bright yellow color, and a liquid phase, and only the 300°C fraction has a solid fraction. The density of bio hydrocarbons ranges from 0.8452 - 0.8527 g/cm3 (40°C), kinematic viscosity 3.0726 - 3.8137 mm2/s, water content 0.0801 - 0.1878% (w/w) and point pour 4 - 22°C. The density, kinematic viscosity, and pour point of the temperature fraction 225 – 275°C meet the national standards for biodiesel and diesel. The composition of volatile compounds mainly consisted of n-decanoic acid, undecanoic acid, dodecanoic acid, 8-heptadecene, heptadecane, tetradecanoic acid, and n-hexadecanoic acid. The main content of volatile compounds was still in the form of fatty acids where n-hexadecanoic acid was the dominant compound (42.8 - 71.6%). In general, the characteristics and profiles of volatile compounds in the fractions 225, 250, and 275°C were similar and different from the 300oC fraction.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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