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Title: Pertumbuhan Akar dan Tunas Stek Batang Mulwo (Annona reticulata L.) dengan Pemberian Auksin
Other Titles: Growth of Roots and Shoots of Mulwo Stem Cuttings (Annona reticulata L.) with Auxin Administration
Authors: Triadiati, Triadiati
Dorly, Dorly
Lestari, Tria Utami
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tanaman mulwo (Annona reticulata L., Annonaceae) mirip dengan tanaman sirsak dan srikaya. Tanaman sirsak dan srikaya dapat dikembangbiakkan dengan cara generatif dan vegetatif. Perkembangbiakan vegetatif dengan stek dapat dilakukan melalui stek batang. Selain itu, diperlukan zat pemacu perakaran pada stek batang yaitu auksin. Namun, penelitian mengenai perbanyakan tanaman mulwo dengan stek batang belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan konsentrasi auksin yang sesuai untuk memacu pertumbuhan akar dan tunas pada stek batang tanaman mulwo. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan konsentrasi auksin (Rootone-F) yang digunakan terdiri dari 4 taraf yaitu 0 mg/mL, 2000 mg/mL, 4000 mg/mL, dan 10000 mg/mL. Perlakuan tersebut diulang sebanyak 5 kali ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah tunas, jumlah akar adventif, dan jumlah inisiasi akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Rootone-F 2000 mg/mL merupakan perlakuan dengan jumlah tunas terbanyak dan dapat memacu munculnya inisiasi akar.
Mulwo (Annona reticulata L., Annonaceae) is similar to soursop and srikaya. Soursop and srikaya plants can be propagated generatively and vegetatively. Vegetative propagation by cuttings can be done through stem cuttings. In addition, a rooting agent is needed for stem cuttings, namely auxin. However, research on the propagation of mulwo plants by stem cuttings has not been widely carried out. This study aims to determine the concentration of auxin to stimulate root and shoot growth on stem cuttings of mulwo plants. The research design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The concentration treatments of auxin (Rootone-F) consisted of 4 levels, namely 0 mg/mL, 2000 mg/mL, 4000 mg/mL, and 10000 mg/mL. The treatment was repeated 5 times. The parameters observed were the number of shoots, the number of adventitious roots, and the number of root initiations. The results showed that the concentration of Rootone-F 2000 mg/mL was the treatment with the highest number of shoots and could stimulate the emergence of root initiation.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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