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Title: Efektivitas Ekstrak Papain Bubuk, Getah Pepaya Segar, dan Enzim Papain Komersial sebagai Agen Koagulan dalam Proses Pembuatan Dangke.
Other Titles: The Effectiveness of Extract Papain Powder, Fresh Papaya Gum, and Commercial Papain Enzymes as Coagulant Agents in the Process of Making Dangke
Authors: Wulandari, Zakiah
Arief, Irma Isnafia
Ardat, Muh Achyar
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Dangke merupakan makanan khas dari daerah Enrekang, Sulawesi Selatan berbahan dasar susu sapi yang digumpalkan kaseinnya dengan agen koagulan dari enzim papain getah buah pepaya. Aktivitas enzim berperan dalam proses koagulasi protein menjadi curd melalui proses pemanasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji efektivitas getah pepaya segar, konsentrat papain bubuk dan enzim papain komersial sebagai agen koagulan dalam proses pembuatan dangke dengan tiga taraf penambahan aktivitas enzim pada masing-masiing enzim. Dangke yang telah dihasilkan dari perlakuan tersebut diuji secara fisik, kimia dan organoleptik untuk menentukan enzim papain mana dan taraf aktivitas enzim mana yang paling efektif sebagai agen koagulan. Tiga taraf aktivitas enzim yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 217,14, 434,29 dan 651,44 AU mg-1 dengan suhu pemanasan 100,16 derajat celsius. Rancangan percobaan pada penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga kali ulangan untuk uji sifat fisik dan uji sifat kimia sedangkan uji non-parametrik Kruskal-Wallis digunakan untuk uji organoleptik. Data yang diperoleh dievaluasi dengan menggunakan aplikasi minitab. Pengujian sifat fisik lima peubah menunjukan hasil yang tidak berbeda nyata untuk parammeter pH, aw, tekstur dan volume whey namun berbeda nyata untuk parameter rendemen. Hasil uji sifat kimia menunjukan hasil yang berbeda nyata pada parameter kadar air dan kadar protein, sedangkan kadar abu tidak berbeda nyata. Uji hedonik menunjukan dangke yang paling disukai panelis yaitu dangke dengan penambahan enzim pada taraf aktivitas enzim terendah untuk masing masing enzim. Skor uji mutu hedonik menunjukan dangke yang disukai bertekstur kenyal, berwarna putih, dominan beraroma susu dan berasa khas dangke serta tidak terasa pahit dari papain. Uji anova mutu hedonik menunjukan hasil yang berbeda nyata untuk semua parameter uji.
Dangke is a typical food from the Enrekang area, South Sulawesi, made from cow's milk coagulating the casein with a coagulant agent from the papain enzyme in papaya sap. Enzyme’s activity plays a role in the process of protein coagulation into curd through the heating process. This study aims to test the effectiveness of fresh papaya latex, powdered papain concentrate and commercial papain enzymes as coagulant agents in the dangke manufacturing process with three levels of enzyme activity added to each enzyme. Dangke that has been produced from the treatment was tested physically, chemically and organoleptically to determine which papain enzyme and the level of activity of which enzyme was the most effective as a coagulant agent. Three levels of enzyme activity used in this study were 217,14, 434,29 and 651,44 AU mg-1 with a heating temperature of 100,16 degrees Celsius. This study was carried out in a randomized block design (RAK) with three replications for physical and chemical properties tests, while the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test was used for organoleptic tests. The data obtained were evaluated using the minitab application. Physical properties testing of five parameters shows results that were not significantly different for the parameters pH, aw, texture and weight of whey but significantly different for yield parameters. The results of the chemical properties test showed significantly different results on the parameters of water content and protein content, while the ash content was not significantly different. The hedonic test showed that the dangke was the most preferred by the panelists was dangke with the addition of enzymes at the lowest level of enzyme activity for each enzyme. The hedonic quality test score shows the preferred dangke is chewy textured, white in color, dominantly flavored with milk and has a distinctive dangke taste and does not taste bitter from papain. The hedonic quality ANOVA test showed significantly different results for all test parameters.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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