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Title: Penggunaan Atraktor Umpan Ikan Rucah yang Dilarutkan Cumi-Cumi (Loligo spp.) pada Jaring Rampus di Teluk Palabuhanratu
Other Titles: The Use of Trash Fish Diluted with Squid (Loligo spp.) Bait on Bottom Gillnet in Palabuhanratu Bay
Authors: Zulkarnain
Wahju, Ronny Irawan
Meilinda, Desi
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Perikanan jaring rampus saat ini belum mengalami banyak kemajuan dan hasil tangkapannya yang tidak selalu meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan komposisi hasil tangkapan jaring rampus berumpan ikan rucah yang dilarutkan cumi dengan jaring rampus tanpa umpan, menentukan pengaruh penggunaan umpan, dan menentukan produktivitas jaring rampus perlakuan dan kontrol. Penelitian dilakukan di Teluk Palabuhanratu, Kabupaten Sukabumi, menggunakan metode eksperimental fishing dengan mengikuti operasi penangkapan selama 16 trip. Hasil tangkapan pada piece jaring rampus perlakuan sebesar 69,83 kg dan piece kontrol sebesar 42,93 kg dengan rata-rata jumlah jenis ikan pada piece perlakuan yaitu 8  0,47 sedangkan kontrol yaitu 7  0,45. Hasil tangkapan dominan pada penelitian ini adalah swanggi (Priacanthus tayenus), gulamah (Johnius trachycephalus), layang anggur (Decapterus kurroides), selar bentong (Selar crumenophthalmus), dan kakap (Lates calcarifer). Perlakuan menggunakan umpan ikan rucah yang dilarutkan cumi memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap berat total dan jumlah ekor hasil tangkapan. Penggunaan umpan membantu kenaikan persentase produktivitas piece jaring rampus perlakuan sebesar 62,7% dengan produktivitas per-piece perlakuan lebih besar dibandingkan kontrol dengan masing-masing nilainya sebesar 1,09 kg/piece dan 0,67 kg/piece dan untuk nilai produktivitas satu piece perlakuan yaitu Rp19.181,00 sedangkan kontrol yaitu Rp6946,00 sehingga didapatkan persentase produktivitas hasil tangkapan piece perlakuan terhadap piece kontrol sebesar 176,1%.
Currently, bottom gillnet fishing has not made much development, and its catches are not always increasing. This study aimed to compare the composition of the catch bottom gillnet with trash fish diluted squid bait and without bait, determine the effect of bait use, and determine the productivity of treatment and control bottom gillnet. The research was conducted in Palabuhanratu Bay, Sukabumi Regency, using experimental fishing methods by following fishing operations for 16 trips. The catch on the treated piece was 69,83 kg, and the control piece was 42,93 kg, with the average number of fish species in the treated piece was 8  0,47 while the control was 7  0,45. The dominant catches in this study were bigeye bullseye (Priacanthus tayenus), leaf tail croaker (Johnius trachycephalus), redtail scad (Decapterus kurroides), bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus), and snapper (Lates calcarifer). Trash fish diluted squid bait significantly affected the total weight and number of fish caught. The use of bait helped to increase the percentage of productivity of treated net pieces by 62,7%, with productivity per treated piece more significant than the control with a value of 1,09 kg/piece and 0,67 kg/piece. The productivity value of one piece of treated was Rp19.181,00 while the control was Rp6946,00, so the percentage of productivity of the treated piece catch against the control piece was 176,1%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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