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Title: Pengembangan Produk Meat Analog Paste Dengan Fat Replacer Dari Minyak Sawit
Other Titles: Pengembangan Produk Meat Analog Paste Dengan Fat Replacer Dari Minyak Sawit
Product Development of Meat Analog Paste With Palm Oil Based Fat Replacer
Authors: Setyaningsih, Dwi
Siregar, Meilisa Syafrina
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Daging analog merupakan bahan pangan nabati yang diproses sebagai pengganti daging hewani. Produk yang dikembangkan ialah meat analog paste dengan penambahan fat replacer dari sawit yang siap disubstitusi ke dalam produk olahan daging. Tujuan dari penelitian ialah menghasilkan formulasi meat analog paste yang dapat disubstitusi ke dalam produk olahan daging. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahapan penelitian yaitu pembuatan meat analog paste dan aplikasi meat analog paste ke dalam produk olahan daging. Analisis tahap pertama meliputi pengujian proksimat meliputi pengujian kadar air, kadar abu, kadar karbohidrat, dan kadar protein. Analisis tahap kedua meliputi pengujian kadar lemak dan organoleptik dari perlakuan terbaik pada penelitian tahap pertama. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi fase minyak sebesar 45% menjadi perlakuan terbaik dengan kadar protein sebesar 15.04% dan kadar lemak sebesar 19.24%. Meat analog paste dengan perlakuan tersebut selanjutnya diaplikasikan ke dalam proses pembuatan sosis dengan substitusi meat analog paste secara bertahap dari 0%, 25%, dan 50%. Hasil pengujian kadar lemak bahwa terdapat penurunan kadar lemak sebesar 4.78% pada sosis dengan substitusi sebagian meat analog paste. Pada uji hedonik, sosis yang paling disukai panelis adalah yang tanpa penambahan meat analog paste, diikuti dengan 25% dan 50% substitusi meat analog paste berdasarkan parameter warna, kekenyalan, aroma, rasa dan tekstur.
Meat analog is a vegetable food that is processed as a substitute for animal meat. The product developed is a meat analog paste with the addition of fat replacer from palm oil that ready to be substituted into processed meat products. This research aims to produce a meat analog paste formulation that can be substituted into processed meat products. This research was conducted in two steps of research, namely the manufacture of meat analog paste and the application of meat analog paste into processed meat products. The first step of analysis is proximate testing that consist testing water content, ash content, carbohydrate content, and protein content. The second step of analysis is testing the fat content and organoleptic best treatment in the first step of research. The results showed that the treatment with 45% oil phase concentration was the best treatment with 15.04% protein content and 19.24% fat content. Meat analog paste with this treatment is then applied to the sausage-making process by substituting meat analog paste in stages from 0%, 25%, and 50%. The results of the fat content test showed that there was a decrease in fat content of 4.78% in the product by substitution with meat analog paste. In the hedonic test, the panelists' favorite sausage was sausage without the addition of meat analog paste, followed by 25% and 50% substitution of meat analog paste based on the parameters of color, firmness, aroma, taste and texture
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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