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Title: Evaluasi Kualitas Bungkil Inti Sawit Terhidrolisis (Palmofeed) Berdasarkan Sifat Fisik dan Kimia terhadap Organ Dalam Ayam Broiler.
Other Titles: Evaluation of Hydrolyzed Palm Kernel Meal’s (Palmofeed) Quality Based on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Feed against Internal Organs Broiler.
Authors: Laconi, Erika Budiarti
Mutia, Rita
Kiranastuti, Ummi Endah
Issue Date: 7-Sep-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Bungkil inti sawit merupakan hasil ikutan dari proses pemisahan minyak inti sawit yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai ransum sumber energi-protein bagi unggas karena ketersediaannya yang sangat tinggi. Fraksinasi adalah proses yang dilakukan dalam optimalisasi Bungkil inti sawit dalam menurunkan kandungan cangkang dan serat kasarnya, karena tingginya kandungan cangkang dapat mengurangi palatabilitas ternak dan daya penyerapan nutrient sehingga fraksinasi atau hidrolisasi dilakukan pada Bungkil inti sawit menjadi Palmofeed. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisik dan kimia Bungkil inti sawit dan Palmofeed serta mengukur pengaruh penggunaannya dalam ransum terhadap persentase bobot organ dalam, organ imunitas dan persentase bobot dan relatif panjang saluran pencernaan. Sebanyak 2250 ekor ayam broiler strain Ross dibagi menjadi tiga petak dan diberi tiga perlakuan dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Perlakuan terdiri dari R0 = Ransum kontrol (mengandung 0% BIS), R1 = Ransum mengandung 12,5% Bungkil inti sawit, dan R2 = Ransum mengandung 12,5% Palmofeed. Pengujian sifat fisik dan kimia dilakukan pada Bungkil inti sawit dan Palmofeed. Hasil data sifat fisik dan kimia dibandingkan dengan uji Independent Sample T-Test. Hasil uji sifat fisik dan kimia menunjukkan bahwa Palmofeed lebih baik daripada Bungkil inti sawit (P<0,05). Teksturnya yang halus dan ukuran partikel yang kecil membuat nilai kerapatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan, sudut tumpukan dan berat jenis lebih rendah tetapi meningkatkan nilai kelarutan total dan tingkat keasaman Palmofeed menjadi lebih asam daripada Bungkil inti sawit. Penambahan Palmofeed pada ransum juga berpengaruh nyata dengan perlakuan yang berbeda dari analisis beberapa organ pada ayam broiler. Peningkatan berat organ dalam terjadi pada hati (P<0,05), sedangkan pada jantung dan ginjal tidak meningkat secara signifikan (P>0,05), demikian juga pada organ imunitas dimana tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dengan penambahan Palmofeed. Peningkatan bobot secara signifikan di saluran pencernaan hanya ditemukan pada gizzard, tidak dengan organ atau bagian lain dari usus halus.
Palm kernel meal is a by-product of the palm kernel oil separation process it can be developed as a protein-energy source ration for poultry because of it is high availability. Fractionation is a process carried out in optimizing palm kernel meal by reducing it is shell and crude fiber content, because the high shell content can reduce livestock palatability and nutrient absorption, so fractionation or hydrolyzation is carried out on palm kernel meal into Palmofeed. This study aims to determine the physical and chemical properties of Palm kernel meal and Palmofeed and to measure the effect of their use in rations on the percentage of internal organ weight, immune organs, and the percentage of weight and relative length of the digestive tract. A total of 2250 broilers of the Ross strain were divided into three plots and given three treatments with a completely randomized design. The treatments consisted of R0 = control diet (containing 0% BIS), R1 = diet containing 12.5% Palm kernel meal, and R2 = diet containing 12.5% Palmofeed. Physical and chemical properties were tested on Palm kernel meal and Palmofeed. The results of the data on physical and chemical properties were compared with the Independent Sample T-Test. The results showed that the physical and chemical properties of Palmofeed were better than Palm kernel meal (P<0.05). It’s fine texture and small particle size are lower than pile density, pile compaction density, pile angel, and specific gravity but increase the total solubility value and the acidity level of Palmofeed. The addition of Palmofeed to the ratio also had a significant effect with different treatments from the analysis of several organs in broiler chickens. The increase in the weight of internal organs occurred in the liver (P<0.05). In contrast, for the heart and kidneys it did not increase significantly (P>0.05), as well as for the immune organs, where there was no significant difference with the addition of Palmofeed. Significantly increased weight in the digestive tract is only found in the gizzard, not with other organs or parts of the small intestine.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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