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dc.contributor.advisorRahayuningsih, Mulyorini-
dc.contributor.advisorHambali, Erliza-
dc.contributor.authorNasution, Aulia Afrima Vista-
dc.description.abstractDalam perindustrian, product life cycle dapat digunakan untuk menentukan fase hidup dan kebutuhan suatu produk. Dari product life cycle bandrek PT Liza Herbal International, diketahui bahwa bandrek sedang memasuki fase decline atau penurunan penjualan. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan penyebabnya, dibutuhkan inovasi berupa formulasi untuk meningkatkan citra dan penjualan bandrek. Sebanyak 13 formulasi dengan bahan baku dan metode yang berbeda menghasilkan 1 formula dengan bahan baku dan metode produksi tetap. Formula tersebut dikembangkan menjadi 9 formula bandrek dengan konsentrasi jahe dan gula aren berbeda, kemudian dianalisis secara proksimat dan organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1 formula yang paling disukai panelis dengan karakteristik fisikokimia terbaik. Formula tersebut kemudian divariasi menggunakan madu bubuk untuk memperluas pangsa pasar dan memperkaya manfaat bandrek. Penelitian ini divalidasi dengan analisis kelayakan finansial dan dilengkapi dengan saran tata letak area
dc.description.abstractIn industry, the product life cycle can be used to determine the life phase and needs of a product. From product life cycle of PT Liza Herbal International’s bandrek, it is known that bandrek is entering a decline phase or sales decline. Therefore, based on the cause, innovation in the form of formulations is needed to improve the image and sales of bandrek. A total of 13 formulations with different raw materials and methods resulted in 1 formula with fixed raw materials and production methods. The formula was developed into 9 bandrek formulas with different concentrations of ginger and palm sugar, then analyzed proximately and organoleptically. The results showed 1 formula that was most preferred by the panelists with the best physicochemical characteristics. The formula was then varied using powdered honey to expand market share and enrich the benefits of bandrek. This study was validated by a financial feasibility analysis and equipped with suggestions for the layout of the production
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleFormulasi Bandrek Madu di PT Liza Herbal Internationalid
dc.title.alternativeBandrek Honey Beverage Formulation at PT Liza Herbal Internationalid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordproduct life cycleid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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