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dc.contributor.advisorHasan, Akmal Endang Zainal-
dc.contributor.advisorAndrianto, Dimas-
dc.contributor.authorHSB, Afreza Tamimi-
dc.description.abstractMadu diketahui kaya akan senyawa yang bermanfaat untuk manusia, namun sifat fisik dan kimia madu rentan dipengaruhi oleh suhu pemanasan, sehingga belum diketahui suhu ideal dalam penanganan madu. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan suhu pemanasan yang ideal untuk mendapatkan kualitas madu Apis dorsata terbaik berdasarkan sifat fisik dan kimia madu. Rangkaian uji yang dilakukan adalah uji kadar air, viskositas, kelarutan, intensitas warna, keasaman, gula pereduksi, sukrosa, dan HMF pada suhu 25℃, 65℃ dan 121℃. Hasil pengujian sifat fisik dan kimia madu cenderung sesuai dengan batas SNI pada suhu 25℃, namun mengalami perubahan yang signifikan pada perlakuan suhu 65℃ dan 121℃ dengan kecenderungan tetap pada batas SNI madu dorsata. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah peningkatan suhu pemanasan memberikan pengaruh nyata pada sifat fisik dan kimia madu sehingga suhu yang ideal dalam penanganan madu adalah suhu 25℃.id
dc.description.abstractHoney is known to be rich in compounds that are beneficial to humans, but the physical and chemical properties of honey are susceptible to being affected by heating temperatures, so the ideal temperature for handling honey is not yet known. This study aims to determine the ideal heating temperature to get the best honey quality based on the physical and chemical properties of honey Apis dorsata. The series of tests carried out were water content, viscosity, solubility, color intensity, acidity, reducing sugar, sucrose, and HMF tests at temperatures of 25℃, 65℃ and 121℃. The results of testing the physical and chemical properties of honey tended to be in accordance with the SNI limit at a temperature of 25℃, but experienced a significant change at the treatment temperature of 65℃ and 121℃ with a tendency to experience a decrease in quality even though it remained at the SNI limit for dorsata honey. The conclusion of this study is that increasing the heating temperature has a significant effect on the physical and chemical properties of honey so that the ideal temperature for handling honey is 25℃.id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakteristik Fisikokimia Madu Lebah Hutan (Apis dorsata) Sumatera Multilokasi terhadap Variasi Suhu Penangananid
dc.title.alternativePhysicochemical Characteristics of Forest Bee Honey (Apis Dorsata) Sumatran Multilocation Due to Differences in Treatment Temperature Variationsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordChemical propertiesid
dc.subject.keywordForest beeid
dc.subject.keywordPhysical propertiesid
dc.subject.keywordTemperature handlingid
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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