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Title: Kajian In silico dan In vitro Ekstrak dan Fraksi Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum) Sebagai Inhibitor Tirosinase
Other Titles: In silico and in vitro studies of red betel leaves extract and fraction (Piper crocatum) as a tyrosinase inhibitor
Authors: Safithri, Mega
Laksmi, Ambarsari
Mustopa, Syahrul
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Melasma adalah kelainan kulit yang ditandai dengan hiperpigmentasi pada area kulit yang terpapar sinar matahari, terutama wajah. Melasma termasuk dalam kategori kelainan kulit yang dialami di beberapa negara. Enzim yang berperan dalam hiperpigmentasi adalah tirosinase. Enzim tirosinase merupakan metaloenzim yang mengikat atom Cu dan berperan merubah tirosin menjadi L-DOPA yang akhirnya menjadi melanin. Pencegahan sintesis melanin yang berlebihan dapat dilakukan dengan cara meregulasi tirosinase. Pencegahan melasma banyak dilakukan melalui penggunaan kosmetik yang ditambahkan dengan inhibitor tirosinase. Senyawa yang biasa digunakan sebagai inhibitor tirosinase adalah asam kojat, merkuri, arbutin, dan asam askorbat, akan tetapi senyawa-senyawa tersebut karsinogen. Berdasarkan hal itu, maka dibutuhkan eksplorasi bahan alam yang digunakan sebagai inhibitor enzim tirosinase, salah satunya adalah daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara tirosinase dengan senyawa aktif daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum) sebagai agen penghambat tirosinase melalui pendekatan in silico dan in vitro. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan, yaitu melalui in silico (komputasi) dan in vitro. Penelitian in silico menggunakan personal computer dengan beberapa piranti lunak seperti MarvinView 6.0.0, BIOVIA Discovery Studio Visualizer, AutoDock Vina, AutoDock Tools, LigPlot+ dan PyMOL. Reseptor yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah enzim tirosinase dengan ID 5M8O yang diunduh dari laman Ligan-ligan (senyawa kandidat inhibitor tirosinase) merupakan senyawa-senyawa hasil ekstraksi dan fraksinasi dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya. Ligan-ligan diunduh melalui laman Penelitian secara in vitro dilakukan dengan cara menguji ekstrak etanol, fraksi etil asetat, fraksi n-heksana dan fraksi air daun sirih merah dalam menghambat aktivitas enzim tirosinase. Sampel didapatkan dari penelitian sebelumnya. Enzim tirosinase yang digunakan adalah Tyrosinase Activity Assay Kit (colorimetri) Ab252899. Penelitian ini menggunakan reseptor tirosinase dengan kode PDB 5M8O dengan tropolon sebagai ligan alami dan asam kojat sebagai ligan pembanding. Simpulan dari penelitian in silico ini didapatkan bahwa senyawa katekin, N1-(5-metilisoxazol-3-yl) etana diamida dan 1-Amino-3-(aminooxy)-2-propanyl N-(4,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)glisinat dihidroklorida yang memiliki energi bebas (ΔG) terendah secara berturut-turut yaitu -6.7 kkal/mol, -6.6 kkal/mol dan -6.3 kkal/mol. Energi afinitas tersebut lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan energi afinitas tropolon dan asam kojat yang memiliki energi yang sama yaitu -5.4 kkal/mol. Hasil uji in vitro didapatkan fraksi air pada konsentrasi 10000 ppm memiliki aktivitas penghambatan tirosinase tertinggi, yaitu sebesar 84.84%.
Melasma is a skin disorder characterized by hyperpigmentation in areas of skin exposed to sunlight, especially the face. Melasma is included in the category of skin disorders experienced in several countries. The enzyme that plays a role in hyperpigmentation is tyrosinase. Tyrosinase enzyme is a metalloenzyme that binds Cu atoms and plays a role in converting tyrosine into L-DOPA which eventually becomes melanin. Prevention of excessive melanin synthesis can be done by regulating tyrosinase. Melasma prevention is mostly done through the use of cosmetics added with tyrosinase inhibitors. Compounds commonly used as tyrosinase inhibitors are kojic acid, mercury, arbutin, and ascorbic acid, but these compounds are carcinogens. Based on this, it is necessary to explore the bioactive natural ingredients used as tyrosinase enzyme inhibitors, one of which is red betel leaf (Piper crocatum). Aimed of this study was to determine the interaction between tyrosinase and active compound of red betel leaves (Piper crocatum) as tyrosinase inhibitory agents through in silico and in vitro approaches. This study uses two approaches, namely through in silico (computing) and in vitro. In silico research using a personal computer with several software such as MarvinView 6.0.0, BIOVIA Discovery Studio Visualizer, AutoDock Vina, AutoDock Tools, LigPlot+ and PyMOL. The receptor used in this study was the tyrosinase enzyme with ID 5M8O which was downloaded from the page. Ligands (tyrosinase inhibitor candidate compounds) are compounds extracted and fractionated from previous studies. Ligands can be downloaded from In vitro research was conducted by testing the ethanol extract, ethyl acetate fraction, n-hexane fraction and water fraction of red betel leaf in inhibiting the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme. Samples were obtained from previous studies. The tyrosinase enzyme used was Tyrosinase Activity Assay Kit (colorimetry) Ab252899. This study used a tyrosinase receptor with PDB code 5M8O with tropolone as a natural ligand and kojic acid as a comparison ligand. The conclusion from this in silico study was that the catechin compounds, N1-(5-methylisoxazole-3-yl) ethane diamide and 1-Amino-3-(aminooxy)-2-propanyl N-(4,6-diamino-1,3 ,5-triazine-2-yl)glycinate dihydrochloride which has the lowest free energy (ΔG) is −6.7 kcal/mol, −6.6 kcal/mol and −6.3 kcal/mol, respectively. The affinity energy is lower than the affinity energy for tropolone and kojic acid which have the same energy of −5.4 kcal/mol. The results of the in vitro test showed that the water fraction in concentration of 10000 ppm had the highest tyrosinase inhibitory activity, which was 84.84%.
Appears in Collections:MT - Mathematics and Natural Science

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