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Title: Pengaruh transportasi terhadap performa dan profil darah pada domba ekor tipis
Other Titles: Effect of transportation on performance and blood profile of thin tailed sheep
Authors: Baihaqi, Muhamad
Aditia, Edit Lesa
Ramadhan, Kautsar Muhakku
Issue Date: 27-Jun-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Livestock transportation that does not consider the animal welfare can affect the physiological condition of livestock which causes stress so that it affects the blood profile and weight loss. This study aimed to analyze effect of transportation on performance and blood profile of thin-tailed sheep which were transported for 8 hours. This study used 8 local rams with body weight of 18-23 kg which was devided into 2 treatments namely control = no transportation and, P1 = with transportation. The variables were physiological response, weight loss and blood profile. The data obtained were analyzed using Independent samples T test. The results of the study were that P1 have a significant effect on weight loss, blood haematology and neutrophil of sheep, but not significantly different on rectal temperature, heart rate, respiration rate, lymphocyte, N/L Ratio eosinophils, and monocytes. The transportation process for 8 hours caused an increase of body weight loss and differences in blood hematology and leukocyte differentials, namely the levels of neutrophils which indicated that the sheep were under stress during transportation.
Transportasi yang tidak memperhatikan kesejahteraan hewan dapat mempengaruhi kondisi fisiologis ternak yang menyebabkan stres sehingga mempengaruhi profil darah dan penyusutan bobot badan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh transportasi terhadap performa dan profil darah domba ekor tipis yang ditransportasikan selama 8 jam. Penelitian ini menggunakan 8 ekor domba lokal jantan dengan bobot badan 18-23 kg yang dibagi menjadi 2 perlakuan yaitu kontrol, dan P1 = domba ditransportasikan selama 8 jam dengan peubah yaitu respon fisiologis, penyusutan bobot badan dan profil darah. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Uji T Tidak Berpasangan. Hasil penelitian berpengaruh nyata terhadap penyusutan pada bobot badan, hematologi darah dan netrofil domba, tetapi tidak berbeda nyata terhadap respon fisiologis, limfosit, rasio N/L, eosinofil dan monosit. Proses transporasi selama 8 jam dapat menyebabkan peningkatan pada penyusutan bobot badan dan perbedaan pada gambaran hematologi darah dan diferensial leukosit yang mengindikasikan domba mengalami stres selama transportasi. Kata kunci: domba lokal, penyusutan bobot badan, profil darah, stres panas, transportasi
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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