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dc.contributor.advisorIsmail, Ahyar-
dc.contributor.authorYusuf, La Ode Muhammad Iksan-
dc.description.abstractProduksi rumput laut tertinggi di Sulawesi Tenggara berada di Kabupaten Muna dengan lokasi sentra budidaya berada di Kecamatan Pasikolaga, yang terbagi dari empat desa dengan teknik budidaya secara kontinu dan musiman. Budidaya kontinu berada di Desa Kolese dan Desa Mata Indaha sedangkan budidaya musiman berada di Desa Lambelu dan Desa Tampunabale. Kendala dan hambatan yang dialami pembudidaya di Kecamatan Pasikolaga hingga hasil produksi rumput laut fluktuatif, seperti keterbatasan modal, sulitnya pemasaran hasil panen, serangan penyakit dan hama, konflik perebutan lahan budidaya, keterbatasan sarana penampungan hasil panen, kurangnya dukungan swasta dan pemerintah daerah dalam menyediakan sarana koperasi mikro hingga menengah, kurangnya penyuluhan pencegahan hama dan penyakit dan pola musim budidaya, dan tidak tersedia aturan main kelembagaan kelompok budidaya, desa, kecamatan hingga kabupaten yang mengatur batasan budidaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis persepsi pembudidaya terhadap aktivitas budidaya rumput laut, menggunakan pengukuran skala likert sebanyak 86 pembudidaya, (2) mengestimasi pendapatan pembudidaya rumput laut, menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif sebanyak 86 pembudidaya, (3) menganalisis keberlanjutan budidaya rumput laut, menggunakan Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH) dengan teknik analisis Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS), sampel yang digunakan 11 kelompok budidaya, (4) merumuskan strategi alternatif kebijakan dalam mendorong keberlanjutan budidaya rumput laut, menggunakan Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) dengan teknik analisis Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE), sumber data Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Muna dan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Muna. Studi ini menunjukkan empat hasil utama. Pertama, persepsi pembudidaya dari aktivitas budidaya menggunakan pengukuran skor 2,794-3,632 kategori skor yang dihasilkan termasuk kedalam kategori persepsi setuju (2,903). Adapun aspek positif setuju dari dampak yang dirasakan pembudidaya seperti aspek ekonomi, keberadaan budidaya rumput laut menjadi sumber pendapatan pembudidaya. Aspek sosial, hubungan baik antara sesama budidaya (tidak terjadinya konflik). Aspek lingkungan, lahan budidaya sangat subur dan mampu menghasilkan rumput laut yang berkualitas dan memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi, karena habitat laut masih terlihat seperti penyu dan jenis ikan terumbu karang di lokasi budidaya. Kedua, usaha budidaya rumput laut di Kecamatan Pasikolaga tergolong dua kategori, yaitu budidaya musiman dan budidaya kontinu yang dimana penghasilan dari dua kategori budidaya tersebut berbeda, disebabkan proses budidaya kontinu selama satu tahun dan budidaya musiman pada saat bulan November hingga Mei sehingga pendapatan hasil usaha per bulan berbeda, tetapi rata-rata pendapatan dua musim tersebut masih di atas Upah Minimum Regional (UMR) Kabupaten Muna Rp 2.710.595 sehingga pembudidaya di Kecamatan Pasikolaga dapat dikatakan masuk kategori kesejahteraan ekonomi dilihat dari pendapatan hasil usaha budidaya rumput laut. Ketiga, penelitian tujuan ketiga analisis status keberlanjutan budidaya rumput laut menggunakan lima dimensi yang terbagi dari 39 atribut. Status keberlanjutan dimensi ekonomi cukup berkelanjutan dengan indeks skor 52,47, atribut yang berpengaruh sensitif adalah skala pemasaran hasil usaha budidaya rumput laut. Dimensi ekologi kurang berkelanjutan dengan indeks skor 45,76, atribut berpengaruh sensitif kesuburan lokasi budidaya. Dimensi sosial budaya kurang berkelanjutan dengan indeks skor 49,36, atribut berpengaruh sensitif konflik perebutan lahan budidaya. Dimensi teknologi kurang berkelanjutan dengan indeks skor 25,13, atribut berpengaruh sensitif keinginan menggunakan teknologi pengeringan dan pengolahan. Dimensi kelembagaan tidak berkelanjutan dengan indeks skor 17,67, atribut berpengaruh sensitif peran kelompok budidaya. Median status keberlanjutan budidaya rumput laut sebesar 37,51 artinya kegiatan budidaya rumput laut memiliki status kurang berkelanjutan di Kecamatan Pasikolaga, dimana kelayakan hasil analisis status keberlanjutan diukur dari parameter statistik nilai stress dan R-square. Taraf kepercayaan status keberlanjutan dilihat dari selisih nilai indeks MSD dan nilai Monte Carlo. Keempat, dari pemeringkatan Complete ranking terbagi empat alternatif kebijakan keberlanjutan dengan pengukuran 11 kriteria adalah alternatif III, yaitu program penguatan ekonomi, sosial budaya dan lingkungan. Implikasi positif kebijakan keberlanjutan dilihat dari analisis rainbow yaitu: tingkat produksi panen dapat meningkat, biaya pelaksanaan program sesuai, tingkat pendapatan usaha budidaya dapat meningkat, kualitas lingkungan budidaya terjaga, potensi konflik pembudidaya dapat diminimalisir, penerimaan program penyuluhan terjadwal, tidak terjadinya eksternalitas negatif, penyerapan tenaga kerja lokal, sumber penerimaan daerah, potensi perluasan lahan budidaya dan pelestarian sumber daya alam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian analisis keberlanjutan budidaya rumput laut di Kecamatan Pasikolaga dengan status kurang berkelanjutan budidaya rumput laut, langkah yang perlu ditempuh dalam mendorong keberlanjutan, perlunya banyak perhatian dan pembenahan dalam menjaga keseimbangan usaha budidaya rumput laut, perlunya kesadaran pembudidaya sebagai pelaku utama dan kehadiran stakeholders terkait dalam mengambil peran dengan melakukan intervensi dan mengevaluasi seluruh dimensi dalam mendukung keberlanjutan budidaya rumput laut dengan program penguatan ekonomi, sosial budaya dan lingkungan. Program tersebut memiliki implikasi positif dan keseimbangan
dc.description.abstractThe highest seaweed production in Southeast Sulawesi is in Muna Regency with the location of the cultivation center in Pasikolaga District, which is divided into four villages with continuous and seasonal cultivation techniques. Continuous cultivation is in Kolese Village and Mata Indaha Village, while seasonal cultivation is in Lambelu Village and Tampunabale Village. Constraints and obstacles experienced by cultivators in Pasikolaga District to the fluctuating production of seaweed, namely limited capital, difficulty in marketing the harvest, disease and pest attacks, conflicts over cultivation land, limited facilities for harvesting harvests, lack of support from the private sector and local government in providing micro-cooperative facilities. to medium, lack of counseling on pest and disease prevention and cultivation season patterns, and no institutional rules for cultivation groups, villages, sub-districts and districts that regulate cultivation limits. The aims of this study were (1) to analyze the farmers' perceptions of seaweed farming activities, using a Likert scale measurement of 86 farmers, (2) to estimate the income of seaweed farmers, using a qualitative descriptive analysis of 86 farmers, (3) to analyze the sustainability of seaweed cultivation. , using Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH) with the Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis technique, the sample used is 11 cultivation groups, (4) formulating alternative policy strategies in encouraging the sustainability of seaweed cultivation, using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with the technique analysis of the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE), data sources from the Muna District Fisheries Service and Muna District Environmental Service. This study shows four main results. First, the perception of cultivators from cultivation activities using a measurement score of 2.794-3.632 the resulting score category is included in the category of agreeing perception (2.903). The positive aspects agree with the impact felt by cultivators such as the economic aspect, the existence of seaweed cultivation is a source of income for cultivators. Social aspects, good relations between fellow cultivation (no conflict). Environmental aspects, cultivated land is very fertile and able to produce quality seaweed and has a high selling value, because marine habitats still look like turtles and types of coral reef fish in the cultivation location. Second, the seaweed cultivation business in Pasikolaga District is classified into two categories, namely seasonal cultivation and continuous cultivation where the income from the two cultivation categories is different, due to the continuous cultivation process for one year and seasonal cultivation from November to May so that the income from the business per months are different, but the average income of the two seasons is still above the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) of Muna Regency of IDR 2,710,595 so that farmers in Pasikolaga District can be said to be in the category of economic welfare seen from the income from seaweed cultivation. Third, the third research objective is to analyze the sustainability status of seaweed cultivation using five dimensions which are divided into 39 attributes. The sustainability status of the economic dimension is quite sustainable with an index score of 52.47, the attribute that has a sensitive effect is the marketing scale of seaweed cultivation. The ecological dimension is less sustainable with an index score of 45.76, an attribute that is sensitive to fertility in cultivation sites. The socio-cultural dimension is less sustainable with an index score of 49.36, an attribute that is sensitive to conflict over cultivation land. The dimension of technology is less sustainable with an index score of 25.13, the attribute is sensitive to the desire to use drying and processing technology. The institutional dimension is not sustainable with an index score of 17.67, the attribute has a sensitive effect on the role of the cultivation group. The of median sustainability status of seaweed cultivation is 37.51, meaning that seaweed cultivation activities have a less sustainable status in Pasikolaga District, where the feasibility of the results of the sustainability status analysis is measured from the statistical parameters of stress values and R-square. The level of confidence in the sustainability status is seen from the difference between the MSD index value and the Monte Carlo value. Fourth, from the Complete ranking, there are four alternatives to sustainability policies with the measurement of 11 criteria, namely alternative III, that is, economic, social, cultural and environmental strengthening programs. The positive implications of sustainability policy seen from the rainbow analysis are: the level of harvested production can increase, the cost of implementing the program is appropriate, the income level of aquaculture can be increased, the quality of the cultivation environment is maintained, the potential for conflict for cultivators can be minimized, acceptance of scheduled extension programs, no negative externalities, absorption local manpower, sources of regional revenue, potential for expansion of cultivated land and preservation of natural resources. Based on the results of the research on the sustainability analysis of seaweed cultivation in Pasikolaga District with the status of less sustainable seaweed cultivation, the steps that need to be taken in encouraging sustainability include, the need for a lot of attention and improvement in maintaining the balance of the seaweed cultivation business, the need for awareness of cultivators as the main actors and the presence of relevant stakeholders. in taking a role by intervening and evaluating all dimensions in supporting the sustainability of seaweed cultivation with economic, socio-cultural and environmental strengthening programs. The program has positive implications and management
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Keberlanjutan Budidaya Rumput Laut di Kecamatan Pasikolaga Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggaraid
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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