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Title: Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Minat dan Kinerja Studi Mahasiswa Program Sinergi Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB
Other Titles: Factors Influencing Intention and Study Performance of Students of the Synergy Program of the Graduate School of IPB
Authors: Cahyadi, Eko
Slamet, Alim
Hariyadi, Effi
Issue Date: 12-Aug-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB (SPs IPB) berkontribusi terhadap keberlanjutan minat studi program sarjana ke jenjang magister (S1-S2) melalui program sinergi, sejak tahun 2013 hingga saat ini program sinergi terus diselenggarakan dengan tujuan utama untuk memfasilitasi mahasiswa berkemampuan akademik yang tinggi dan mengoptimalkan pengembangan dirinya menyelesaikan studi sarjana-magister terintegrasi dengan waktu relatif singkat dan biaya lebih murah. Namun permasalahan yang ditemui adalah rendahnya minat mahasiswa serta jangka waktu kelulusan yang tidak sesuai harapan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis input dan output, yaitu tentang faktor yang memengaruhi minat dan kinerja studi mahasiswa program sinergi SPs IPB. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder kemahasiswaan dan data primer hasil kuesioner, dengan melibatkan 389 responden sarjana dan 202 responden lulusan dan mahasiswa aktif program sinergi. Metode analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi logistik dan linier berganda serta analisis Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). Secara umum, hasil analisis regresi logistik dan SEM-PLS dengan pendekatan Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) terhadap analisis peminatan program sinergi dengan menunjukkan hasil bahwa variabel Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK), kelompok kelas sains dan seluruh variabel TPB yaitu sikap perilaku, norma subjektif dan perilaku kontrol dinyatakan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat mahasiswa mengikuti program sinergi SPs IPB. Pengaruh terbesar peminatan program sinergi berasal dari variabel norma subjektif, artinya lingkungan (keluarga, dosen, rekan) berperan besar dalam memengaruhi minat mahasiswa. Sedangkan faktor yang memengaruhi kinerja studi dipengaruhi oleh IPK, kelompok kelas sains dan indeks bimbingan, kemampuan diri, interaksi bimbingan, dan peran SPs. Adapun temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa faktor peminatan program sinergi tidak hanya ditentukan oleh jumlah IPK dan persyaratan administrasi saja, namun jika diteliti secara personal dengan pendekatan kualitatif ternyata banyak indikator yang menjadi pertimbangan mahasiswa untuk ikut/tidak ikut program sinergi. Begitu juga dengan kinerja studi, hasil analisis SEM-PLS menunjukkan bahwa variabel kemampuan individu menjadi faktor dengan koefisien tertinggi dibandingkan variabel lainnya. Beberapa implikasi manajerial dari penelitian ini mengenai peminatan program sinergi antara lain; pemberian informasi kepada orangtua dan dosen untuk mendorong minat mahasiswa, pengadaan beasiswa sebagai insentif serta sosialisasi tentang manfaat dan keunggulan program sinergi SPs IPB. Sedangkan mengenai kinerja studi dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk perhatian khusus dari dosen dan program studi, evaluasi kemajuan studi secara periodik serta pembukaan kelas baru pada program studi yang belum memiliki mahasiswa program sinergi SPs IPB.
The Graduate School of IPB University (SPs IPB) contributes to the sustainability of interest in the study of undergraduate programs to master's level (S1-S2) through synergy programs, synergy programs continue to be held with the main aim of facilitating students with high academic abilities and optimizing their development by completing integrated bachelor-master studies in a relatively short time and at a lower cost. However, obstacles encountered are the low interest of the students and a graduation period that is not as expected. This study aims to analyze the inputs and outputs, namely factors that influence the interest and study performance of the students of the Graduate School of the IPB synergy program. The datasets used in this study are secondary student data and primary data from questionnaires, involving 389 undergraduate students and 202 graduate students as respondents and active students of the synergy program. This study used descriptive analysis, multiple linear and logistic regression analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis. In general, the results of logistic regression analysis and SEM-PLS with the Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) approach are used for analysis of specialization in the synergy program by showing that the Grade Point Average (GPA), the science class group, and all TPB variables are behavioral attitudes, subjective norms, and control behavior stated to have a significant effect on student interest in participating in the synergy program of the Graduate School of IPB. The biggest influence of specialization in the synergy program comes from subjective norm variables. Even though GPA, science class group, and the guidance index have an effect on learning achievement, self-efficacy, guidance interaction, and the role of the Graduate School also have an effect. The result of this study is that the factor of specialization in the synergy program is not only determined by the number of GPAs and administrative requirements, but if examined personally with a qualitative approach, it turns out that there are many indicators that are considered by students to participate or not participate in the synergy program. Likewise, with study performance, the results of the SEM-PLS analysis show that the individual ability variable is the factor with the highest coefficient compared to other variables. Several managerial implications of this research regarding the specialization of synergy programs include the importance of appreciation to parents and lecturers to encourage student interest, the provision of scholarships as incentives, and socialization of the benefits and advantages of the SPs IPB synergy program. Meanwhile, regarding study performance, it can be done in the form of special attention from lecturers and study programs; periodic evaluation of study progress; and the opening of new classes in study programs that do not yet have students in the SPs IPB synergy program.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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