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dc.contributor.advisorAgusta, Herdhata-
dc.contributor.authorQibtia, Maria-
dc.description.abstractPeningkatan hasil panen pertanian sangat bergantung pada ketersedian hara nitrogen. Hara nitrogen yang sangat umum digunakan yaitu pupuk Urea. Akan tetapi, urea memiliki sifat yang sangat mudah terdekomposisi akibatnya pemupukan menjadi tidak efisien dan memiliki dampak yang buruk terhadap lingkungan. Upaya untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan cara merancang pupuk nitrogen yang tidak mudah tercuci. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT) dengan lima perlakuan dan Setiap perlakuan diulang dalam empat ulangan yaitu perlakuan B0 (Pemupukan standar PT. GGP), B1 (Pupuk standar 6 bulan GGP + 40% fly ash + 20% kompos + polimer spray), B2 (Pupuk standar 6 bulan GGP + 20% fly ash + 40% kompos + polimer spray), B3 (Pupuk standar 6 bulan GGP + 40% fly ash + 20% kompos + campuran polimer + polimer spray), B4 (Pupuk standar 6 bulan GGP + 20% fly ash + 40% kompos + campuran polimer + polimer spray). Penambahan polimer dan fly ash mengurangi ketercucian hara nitrogen pada perlakuan B1, B3 dan
dc.description.abstractIncreasing agricultural yields is highly dependent on the availability of nitrogen nutrients. The most commonly used nitrogen nutrient is urea fertilizer. However, urea is very easily decomposed as a result of fertilization being inefficient and even has a bad impact on the environment.The strategies that can be used to overcome this are by designing nitrogen fertilizers that are not easily washed (slow release fertilizer). This study was structured using a Completely Randomized Block Design (RKLT) with five treatments and each treatment was repeated in four replications, namely treatment B0 (standard fertilization PT. GGP), B1 (standard fertilizer for 6 months GGP + 40% fly ash + 20% compost + polymer spray), B2 (Standard fertilizer for 6 months GGP + 20% fly ash + 40% compost + polymer spray), B3 (Standard fertilizer for 6 months GGP + 40% fly ash + 20% compost + polymer mixture + polymer spray), B4 ( Standard fertilizer for 6 months GGP + 20% fly ash + 40% compost + polymer mixture + polymer spray). The addition of polymer and fly ash reduced nitrogen nutrient leaching in treatments B1, B3 and
dc.description.sponsorshipKementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi PT Great Giant Pineappleid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleFormulasi dan Aplikasi Pupuk Lambat Tersedia untuk Menunjang Fase Awal Pertumbuhan Tanaman Nanas di PT Great Giant Pineappleid
dc.title.alternativeFormulation and Aplication of Slow Release Fertilizer to Support the Initial Phase of Pineapple Plant in PT Great Giant Pineappleid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordFly Ashid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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