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Title: Pembuatan Probiotik Bakteri Asam Laktat Enkapsulasi Asal Larva Black Soldier Fly dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Daya Simpan
Authors: Wiryawan, I Komang Gede
Meryandini, Anja
Hairani, Atikah
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Bakteri asam laktat sebagai kandidat probiotik dapat diisolasi dari larva black soldier fly. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat probiotik enkapsulasi asam laktat asal larva BSF, serta mengetahui pengaruh enkapsulasi terhadap viabilitas probiotik selama penyimpanan 12 minggu pada suhu ruang dan 4°C. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan pada penelitian untuk pengujian daya simpan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial dengan dua faktor perlakuan yaitu suhu penyimpanan dan waktu penyimpanan. Parameter yang diamati pada pengamatan daya simpan yaitu jumlah sel dan tingkat ketahanan sel. Kurva pertumbuhan isolat BAL asal larva BSF menunjukkan bahwa kultur bakteri dapat dipanen pada umur 16 jam untuk diproduksi sebagai probiotik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses enkapsulasi dapat mempertahankan viabilitas probiotik selama proses produksi. Probiotik BAL asal larva BSF yang dienkapsulasi memiliki populasi sebanyak 107 CFU g-1. Probiotik mampu mempertahankan viabilitas yang lebih baik pada penyimpanan suhu 4°C selama 4 minggu.
Lactic acid bacteria as probiotic candidates can be isolated from black soldier fly larvae. The purpose of this study was to make lactic acid encapsulated probiotics from BSF larvae, and to determine the effect of encapsulation on probiotic viability during 12 weeks of storage at room temperature and 4°C. The experimental design used in the study to test storability was a factorial completely randomized design with two treatment factors, that is storage temperature and storage time. The parameters observed in the observation of storability are the number of cells and the level of cell resistance. The growth curve of LAB isolates from BSF larvae showed that bacterial cultures could be harvested at 16 hours of age to be produced as probiotics. The results showed that the encapsulation process could maintain the viability of probiotics during the production process. LAB probiotics from encapsulated BSF larvae had a population of 107 CFU g-1. Probiotics were able to maintain better viability at temperature of 4°C for 4 weeks of storage.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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