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Title: Luas Hutan Kota Optimal Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Air Di Kotamadya Bogor
Genetic diversity and mating system in a seed stand of Mindi (Melia azedarach Linn.), Wanayasa, Purwakarta
Authors: Siregar, Iskandar Z.
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Introduction. Water constitutes the basic need for all living creatures, including plants. Plants need water and also serve as important agent for water regulation process. On the other hand, a city, which was identical with densely populated area, had great need for water. The usefulness of urban forest are among other things as water catchment area and as air quality control. Development of urban forest constituted an ideal plan to fulfill the need for open green space in the city. Hopefully, urban forest could serve as water catchment area to increase the supply of ground water. For achieving harmonization between real condition of a city and the actual need for urban forest, there is a need for calculating the optimum size of urban forest, which was performed in this research by using the need for water as its basis. Research Method. The research was conducted from May through August 2008, in Bogor City. Data collection was conducted through observation, data / archive collection from relevant agencies and literature study. The collected data were among other things, size and growth rate of human population, number of industry units, number of livestock, ground water potency, water supply capacity of Local Drinking Water Company, rainfall data, and spatial data (which comprised land cover, city administration map, and soil type map). All of these data were processed and analyzed, so that the following information were obtained: total need for water, total water supply, capacity of urban forest in absorbing water, optimum size of urban forest, capacity rate of infiltration well, and number of infiltration wells which were needed. Results and Conclusion. Based on calculation results, the total amount of water needed in Bogor city was 81.150.693,72 m3 / year, and the total supply of water was 79.442.512,81 m3 / year. Therefore, the water deficit of Bogor city was 1.708.180,91 m3 / year. With the ability of forest to absorb water per year, as much as 1.127,70 m3 / ha / year, then the optimum size of needed urban forest was 1.514,78 ha or 12,78% of the city area size. The existing urban forest at present was only 141,50 ha. The available land for developing urban forest was in the form of scrubland and vacant land, which if being forested, the area size of urban forest would become 933,09 ha. Such available area size of urban forest could not be able to eliminate the deficit of water. For overcoming such problem, designing of infiltration well constituted the appropriate solution. Bogor city had two types of soil, namely Latosol and Regosol. Based on calculation, number of infiltration wells needed in Regosol was as many as 53, whereas that in Latosol was 2.166, therefore, the total number of infiltration well needed in Bogor city was 2.219 infiltration wells. Keywords: The Need for Water, Urban Forest.
Mindi merupakan salah satu jenis cepat tumbuh dari famili Meliaceae yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di Hutan Rakyat. Upaya peningkatan produktivitas mindi memerlukan informasi dasar terkait keragaman genetik dan sistem perkawinannya. Sifat bunga hermaprodit mindi menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana sistem perkawinan yang terjadi dalam populasi mindi. Untuk itu diperlukan analisis keragaman genetik dan tipe perkawinan mindi yang dapat diduga dengan bantuan teknik mikrosatelit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk i) mengetahui amplifikasi silang primer mikrosatelit jenis Mahoni (Swietenia spp) dan Mimba (Azadirachta indica) pada jenis Mindi (Melia azedarach Linn.), ii) menduga variasi genetik indukan dan anakan dari tegakan benih Mindi serta iii) mengkarakterisasi parameter sistem perkawinan di tegakan benih Wanayasa (Purwakarta). Sampel yang digunakan terdiri atas 10 pohon induk mindi dan keturunannya masing-masing sebanyak 5 anakan. Primer spesifik Ai-05 dan Ai-34 (jenis mimba) serta SM45 (jenis mahoni) dapat diamplifikasikan pada mindi. Analisis data menggunakan software POPgene versi 1.31 menunjukkan rata-rata keragaman genetik (He) dalam populasi sebesar 0.565. Analisis sistem perkawinan dilakukan dengan bantuan software MLTR (Multilocus Mating System Program) yang menunjukkan nilai outcrossing tm=ts=1,000 berdasarkan metode Expected Maximum (MLTR). Nilai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa mindi di tegakan benih Wanayasa secara umum melakukan perkawinan silang. Informasi mengenai sistem perkawinan ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui cara efektif yang diperlukan untuk tujuan pengelolaan sumber benih.
Appears in Collections:UT - Silviculture

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