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Title: Autentikasi Terhadap Perbedaan Morfologi Ikan Bawal (Trachinotus spp.) Budidaya Berdasarkan Marka Gen Cytochrome Oxydase Subunit I (COI)
Other Titles: Authentication on Morphological Differences of Cultivated Pompano (Trachinotus spp.) Based on Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (COI) Gene
Authors: Hakim, Agus Alim
Kamal, Mohammad Mukhlis
Astuti, Retno Puji
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Konsumsi ikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sumber protein hewani akan terus meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan penduduk. Stok alamiah ikan dikhawatirkan mengalami penurunan akibat adanya peningkatan aktivitas penangkapan sehingga perlu didukung dengan adanya pembudidayaan jenis ikan potensial. Ikan bawal dari famili Carangidae saat ini dibudidayakan di BPBL Batam yang terdiri dari 3 jenis, yaitu bawal bintang, bawal emas, dan bawal hibrid. Ketiganya memiliki morfologi yang sangat mirip, sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memastikan jenis ikan bawal terhadap perbedaan morfologi melalui penelusuran susunan basa nukleotida. Analisis morfologi dilakukan dengan melakukan pengamatan secara langsung melalui beberapa parameter morfologi, sedangkan untuk pengujian molekuler digunakan marka gen COI (Cythochrome Oxydase Subunit I) melalui tahap isolasi, ekstraksi, amplifikasi dan visualisai, serta sekuensing. Hasil yang didapatkan berupa DNA total yang mengandung smear akibat masih adanya kontaminasi dan visualisasi amplifikasi gen COI yang menunjukkan posisi DNA target berada pada kisaran 600-700 bp. Hasil BLASTn menunjukkan bahwa sampel memiliki homologi sebesar ≥99.85 % dengan Trachinotus blochii. Hasil jarak genetik dan pohon filogeni dari ketiga jenis ikan bawal yang rendah akan berada dalam satu ranting yang sama, sehingga menunjukkan adanya hubungan kekerabatan yang dekat. Ketiga jenis ikan bawal berhasil divalidasi ke dalam satu spesies yang sama yaitu Trachinotus blochii karena memiliki susunan basa nukleotida yang identik dan diduga berasal dari tetua yang sama.
Consumption of fish to meet the needs of animal protein sources will continue to increase along with population growth. The natural stock of fish will decrease due to an increase in fishing activity so that it needs to be supported by the cultivation of potential fish species. Pompano from the Carangidae family are currently cultivated at BPBL Batam, which consists of 3 types, namely snubnose pompano, golden pompano, and hybrid pompano. All three have very similar morphology, so this study was conducted to ascertain the types of pompano against morphological differences by tracing the arrangement of nucleotide bases. Morphological analysis was carried out by direct observation through several morphological parameters, while for molecular testing, COI gene markers (Cythochrome Oxydase Subunit I) were used through isolation, extraction, amplification and visualization, as well as sequencing. The results obtained are total DNA containing smears due to contamination and visualization of COI gene amplification which shows the target DNA position is in the range of 600-700 bp. Meanwhile, the BLASTn result showed that the sample had a homology of 99.85% with Trachinotus blochii. The results of the genetic distance and phylogeny tree of the three types of low pompano will be on the same branch, indicating a close relationship. The three types of pompano were successfully validated into the same species, namely Trachinotus blochii because they have identical nucleotide base arrangements and can be presumed to have come from the same parent.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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