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Title: Analisis Fungsional Gen Termutasi pada Padi Mutan Hawara Bunar Melalui Komparasi Sekuen, Prediksi Struktur Protein, dan Ekspresi Gen pada Kondisi Cekaman Aluminium.
Other Titles: Functional Analysis of Mutant Genes in Hawara Bunar Rice through Sequence Comparison, Prediction of Protein Structure, and Gene Expression in Aluminum Stress
Authors: Miftahudin
Fendiyanto, Miftahul Huda
Ramadhan, Muhammad Aby Pranata
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Mutasi gen pada padi mutan Hawara Bunar yang sensitif cekaman aluminium (Al) dapat memengaruhi stabilitas struktur dan fungsi protein, serta ekspresi gen responsif cekaman Al. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efek mutasi pada kandidat gen responsif cekaman Al terhadap stabilitas struktur dan fungsi protein, serta memvalidasi kandidat gen melalui analisis ekspresi gen menggunakan qRT-PCR. Identifikasi kandidat gen dilakukan dengan membandingkan sekuen DNA mutan Hawara Bunar dengan data transkriptom. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mutasi pada gen Os01g0699500, Os01g0699600, Os02g0807800, dan Os10g016284 dapat menurunkan stabilitas struktur protein. Seluruh gen, kecuali Os01g0699500, mengalami peningkatan ekspresi pada tanaman mutan yang diinduksi oleh cekaman Al dengan tingkat ekspresi relatif paling tinggi pada gen Os10g0162844. Hasil penelitian ini dapat mendukung penemuan gen-gen toleran Al untuk pengembangan varietas padi toleran cekaman Al.
Gene mutation in Hawara Bunar mutant rice that is sensitive to aluminum (Al) can affect protein structure stability, protein function, and expression of Al-responsive gene candidates. The research aimed to analyze the effect of mutations on Al-tolerance gene candidates on the and structural stability and functional of the protein, and to validate the gene candidates by gene expression analysis using the qRT-PCR. Identification of Al-tolerance gene candidates was carried out by comparing DNA sequences of Hawara Bunar mutant with transcriptome data. The results showed that mutations in the sequence of Os01g0699500, Os01g0699600, Os02g0807800, and Os10g016284 genes could decrease protein structure stability. All genes, except Os01g0699500, increased their expression in the mutant after induced by Al stress with the highest relative expression level occured in Os10g0162844. The research can support the discovery of Al-tolerance genes that potential to develop Al-tolerant rice varieties
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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