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Title: Senyawa dalam Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Jahe Indonesia dan Potensinya sebagai Antipenuaan Berdasarkan Kajian Penambatan Molekul
Other Titles: Compounds in Indonesian Ginger Rhizomes and Their Potency as an anti-Aging Based on Molecular Docking Study
Authors: Batubara, Irmanida
Wahyuni, Wulan Tri
Wahyudi, Setyanto Tri
Asoka, Shadila Fira
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penuaan adalah kondisi kulit yang ditandai dengan munculnya kerutan dan bintik hitam pada kulit. Selain itu, keelastisitasan kulit akan berkurang dan kulit akan terasa kaku. Penuaan kulit disebabkan faktor intrinsik yang terdiri atas genetik, hormon, jenis kelamin, dan perubahan kimia dalam tubuh serta faktor ekstrinsik yang terdiri atas paparan polusi dan sinar ultraviolet (UV). Faktor-faktor tersebut dapat menyebabkan penumpukan reactive oxygen species (ROS) dan advance glycation end products (AGEs) pada kulit yang dapat menyebabkan munculnya tanda penuaan. Produksi ROS dan AGEs dapat dihambat dengan senyawa yang memiliki aktivitas antipenuaan yang terdapat di bahan alam, salah satunya adalah jahe. Jahe di Indonesia dibagi ke dalam tiga jenis, yaitu jahe gajah (Zingiber officinale var. roscoe), jahe merah (Z. officinale var rubrum), dan jahe emprit (Z. officinale var amarum). Bagian yang paling sering digunakan oleh masyarakat adalah rimpangnya. Rimpang jahe mengandung senyawa atsiri seperti α zingiberena, kamfena, seskuifelandrena, dan bisabolena. Eksplorasi potensi antipenuaan dalam minyak atsiri rimpang jahe masih terus dilakukan. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah dengan kajian penambatan molekul. Penambatan molekul dapat memperkirakan aktivitas suatu senyawa (yang disebut dengan ligan) dengan cara menambatkan ligan tersebut pada reseptor yang diinginkan. Dalam penelitian ini, senyawa dalam minyak atsiri rimpang jahe Indonesia diharapkan dapat menghambat kerja enzim kolagenase, hialuronidase, elastase, dan tirosinase yang terlibat pada proses penuaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi senyawa dalam tiga jenis minyak atsiri rimpang jahe Indonesia (jahe gajah, jahe emprit, dan jahe merah) menggunakan gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) serta menentukan potensi senyawa dan minyak atsiri rimpang jahe sebagai antipenuaan berdasarkan kajian penambatan molekul. Tahapan penelitian terdiri atas pemisahan dan analisis senyawa serta studi penambatan molekul. Tahap pemisahan dan analisis senyawa meliputi, preparasi rimpang jahe, isolasi minyak atsiri rimpang jahe, dan analisis GC-MS, sedangkan studi penambatan molekul meliputi preparasi ligan, preparasi reseptor, penambatan molekul, visualisasi kompleks ligan-reseptor, serta uji Lipinski dan admetSAR. Ketiga jenis minyak atsiri rimpang jahe Indonesia yang didapatkan berwarna kuning dan beraroma khas, segar, dan tajam. Rendemen minyak atsiri jahe gajah, merah, dan emprit berturut-turut 0,09; 0,24; dan 0,21% dari bobot basah. Analisis GC-MS menunjukkan bahwa kandungan senyawa pada ketiga jenis minyak atsiri rimpang jahe Indonesia tidak sepenuhnya berbeda karena ada kesamaan pola pemisahan pada kromatogram dan hanya berbeda pada kelimpahannya saja. Terdapat 72 senyawa terdeteksi dalam minyak atsiri rimpang jahe Indonesia. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut tersebar ke dalam kelompok senyawa terpena (52 senyawa), terpenoid (15 senyawa), dan lainnya (5 senyawa). Ekaliptol adalah senyawa paling melimpah dalam minyak atsiri rimpang jahe gajah (18,56%) dan emprit (17,91%), sedangkan kamfena dalam minyak atsiri rimpang jahe merah (15,21%). Semua senyawa yang teridentifikasi tersebut diuji aktivitas antipenuaannya melalui kajian penambatan molekul. Sebagian besar energi afinitas ligan uji memiliki besaran lebih negatif dibandingkan ligan kristal tiap kompleks dan asam askorbat yang merupakan ligan kontrol. Ligan α-kurkumena, α-zingiberena, dan β-seskuifelandrena memiliki energi afinitas lebih negatif dibandingkan ligan uji lainnya. Visualisasi ketiga senyawa tersebut menghasilkan persentase binding site similarity lebih dari 50%. Ketiga senyawa tersebut juga lolos evaluasi sifat fisikokimia ligan berdasarkan aturan Lipinski dan parameter admetSAR. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa α kurkumena, α-zingiberena, dan β-seskuifelandrena merupakan senyawa dalam minyak atsiri rimpang jahe Indonesia yang paling berpotensi sebagai senyawa antipenuaan. Ketiga senyawa tersebut memiliki kelimpahan yang tinggi pada minyak atsiri rimpang jahe emprit. Oleh karena itu, minyak atsiri rimpang jahe emprit adalah minyak atsiri rimpang jahe Indonesia yang paling berpotensi sebagai antipenuaan.
Skin aging is a condition characterized by the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots on the skin. In addition, the elasticity of the skin will decrease and the skin will feel stiff. Skin aging is caused by intrinsic factors consisting of genetics, hormones, gender, and chemical changes in the body as well as extrinsic factors consisting of exposure to pollution and ultraviolet (UV) light. These factors can cause the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and advance glycation end products (AGEs) on the skin which can cause signs of aging to appear. The production of ROS and AGEs can be inhibited by compounds that have anti-aging activity found in natural ingredients, one of which is ginger. Ginger in Indonesia is divided into three types, namely gajah ginger (Zingiber officinale var. roscoe), red ginger (Z. officinale var rubrum), and emprit ginger (Z. officinale var amarum). The most often used part by people is the rhizome. The ginger rhizome contains volatile compounds such as α-zingiberene, camphene, sesquiphellandrene, and bisabolene. The anti-aging potency exploration in ginger rhizome essential oil is still being carried out. One method that can be used is the study of molecular docking. Molecular docking can predict the activity of a compound (called a ligand) by attaching the ligand to the desired receptor. In this study, the compounds in Indonesia ginger rhizome essential oil are expected to inhibit the activity of collagenase, hyaluronidase, elastase, and tyrosinase enzymes involved in the aging process. This study aimed to identify compounds in three types of Indonesian ginger rhizome essential oil (gajah, emprit, and red ginger) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and determined the potential of compounds and ginger rhizome essential oil as anti-aging based on molecular docking study. The research stages consisted of separation and analysis of compounds as well as molecular docking study. Separation and analysis of compounds included preparation of ginger rhizome, isolation of ginger rhizome essential oil, and GC-MS analysis, while molecular docking study included preparation of ligands, preparation of target proteins, molecular docking, visualization of ligand-receptor complexes, as well as Lipinski and admetSAR tests. The three types of Indonesian ginger rhizome essential oils obtained were yellow in color and had a distinctive, fresh, and pungent aroma. The yield of gajah, red, and emprit ginger essential oil were 0.09; 0.24; and 0.21% based on the wet weight, respectively. GC-MS analysis showed that the compounds in the three types of Indonesian ginger essential oils were not completely different because there were similar separation patterns on the chromatograms and only different in abundances. There were 72 compounds detected in Indonesian ginger rhizome essential oil. These compounds were divided into the terpene group (52 compounds), terpenoids group (15 compounds), and others (5 compounds). Eucalyptol was the most abundant compound in gajah ginger rhizome essential oil (18.56%) and emprit (17.91%), while camphene in red ginger rhizome essential oil (15.21%). All of these identified compounds were tested for their anti-aging activity through molecular docking study. Most of the test ligands’ affinity energy were more negative than the crystal ligand for each complex and ascorbic acid which was the control ligand. The α-curcumene, α-zingiberene, and β-sesquiphellandrene had more negative affinity energy than the other test ligands. Visualization of three compounds resulted the percentage of binding sites similarity more than 50%. Those three compounds also passed the evaluation of the physicochemical properties of the ligands based on Lipinski rules and admetSAR parameters. These results indicate that α-curcumene, α-zingiberene, and β-sesquiphellandrene were compounds in Indonesian ginger rhizome essential oil that had the most potential as anti-aging compounds. These three compounds had a high abundance in the emprit ginger rhizome essential oil. Therefore, emprit ginger rhizome essential oil was the Indonesian ginger rhizome essential oil that had the most potential as an anti-aging.
Appears in Collections:MT - Mathematics and Natural Science

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