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dc.contributor.advisorPisestyani, Herwin-
dc.contributor.advisorNugraha, Arifin Budiman-
dc.contributor.authorDelvia, Jannatun-
dc.description.abstractMastitis subklinis merupakan penyakit radang ambing yang tidak disertai dengan gejala klinis tetapi terjadi peningkatan jumlah sel somatik lebih dari 400.000 sel/mL, ditemukan bakteri patogen, dan berada pada periode laktasi normal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran jumlah sel somatik dan kualitas susu pada sapi perah postitif mastitis subklinis, hubungan jumlah sel somatik dan kualitas susu, serta mengetahui perbedaan kualitas susu sapi penderita mastitis subklinis dengan sapi sehat. Sebanyak 29 sampel susu segar dari 9 ekor sapi perah positif mastitis subklinis yang berasal dari PT. Great Giant Livestock, Lampung Tengah. Perhitungan jumlah sel somatik menggunakan metode Breed. Pemeriksaan kualitas susu menggunakan lactoscan. Data yang didapatkan dibandingkan dengan SNI Nomor 3141:2011 tentang Susu Segar, kemudian dianalisis dengan program SPSS (uji Rank-spearmen dan Mann Whitney U) kemudian dideskripsikan. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan, jumlah sel somatik sapi penderita mastitis subklinis lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan standar SNI, sedangkan kualitas susu sapi penderita mastitis subklinis lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan SNI. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara jumlah sel somatik dengan kualitas susu (p < 0,05). Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kualitas susu sapi perah positif mastitis subklinis dengan sapi sehat (p < 0,05). Peradangan akibat mastitis subklinis akan meningkatkan jumlah sel somatik sebagai respon adanya bakteri patogen serta akan merusak sel sekretori kelenjar ambing sehingga sintesis kualitas susu
dc.description.abstractSubclinical mastitis is an udder inflammatory disease characterized by an increase in the quantity of somatic cells of more than 400.000 cells/mL and the discovery of pathogenic bacteria in the milk on normal lactation period. This study was to determine the somatic cells count and milk quality in subclinical mastitis-positive dairy cows, the correlation between the number of somatic cells and milk quality, and the differences between milk quality of cows with subclinical mastitis and healthy cows. A total of 29 fresh milk samples from 9 dairy cows were positive for subclinical mastitis in PT. Great Giant Livestock, Central Lampung. The number of somatic cells tested using the Breed method. Milk quality was checked using Lactoscan. The examination revealed that the quantity of somatic cells in cows with subclinical mastitis was higher than in healthy cows. In contrast, cows with subclinical mastitis had lower-quality milk. The quantity of somatic cells and the quality of milk were strongly associated (p < 0,05). There is a significant difference in milk quality between dairy cows with subclinical mastitis and healthy cows (p < 0,05). Inflammation due to subclinical mastitis will increase the number of somatic cells in response to the presence of pathogenic bacteria and damage the secretory cells of the udder gland so that the synthesis of milk quality is
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleProfil Susu Segar PT. Great Giant Livestock dari Sapi Perah Positif Mastitis Subklinis Berdasarkan Sel Somatik dan Kualitas Susuid
dc.title.alternativeProfile of Fresh Milk of PT. Great Giant Livestock from Subclinical Mastitis Positif Cows Based on Somatic Cells and Milk Qualityid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordMilk qualityid
dc.subject.keywordSubclinical mastitisid
dc.subject.keywordsomatic cellsid
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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