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Title: Evaluasi Sistem dan Pemanfaatan Tanaman pada Waste Water Treatment Plant II di PT JABABEKA Bekasi
Other Titles: System Evaluation and Plant Utilization at The Waste Water Treatment Plant at PT JABABEKA Bekasi.
Authors: Noor, Erliza
Arifin, Hadi Susilo
Harahap, Ersyad Perdana
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB university
Citation: -
Abstract: Wastewater Treatment Plant II pada PT JABABEKA Bekasi merupakan instalasi pengolahan air limbah dengan sistem Food Chain Reactor (FCR), yakni sistem yang memanfaatkan simbiosis antara tanaman dan bakteri. Sistem FCR menghasilkan produk lumpur 60% lebih rendah dan 40% lebih hemat energi dibandingkan dengan sistem Conventional Active Sludge, attach growth system, dan membrane system. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Menganalisis nilai penurunan efisiensi penyisihan (RE) polutan oleh sistem FCR pada WWTP II di PT JABABEKA Bekasi (2)Mengukur besaran pertumbuhan dan laju pertumbuhan Canna indica dan Wrightia religiosa pada reaktor anoksik dan reaktor aerob, (3) Menganalisis besaran tingkat akumulasi unsur hara dan kandungan logam serta laju penyerapan akar tanaman Canna indica dan Wrightia religiosa pada kondisi eksisting WWTP II. 4) Mengevaluasi jenis tanaman berdasarkan translocation factor. Analisis air meliputi kandungan polutan dalam influen dan efluen, penilaian efisiensi penyisihan polutan dari influen (air limbah) dengan metode Removal Efficiency (RE), kemudian nilai tersebut dibandingkan dengan PP No. 82 Tahun 2001 tentang Kriteria Mutu Air dan Permen LH No. 03 Tahun 2010 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah Kawasan Industri Terpadu. Analisis pertumbuhan tanaman menggunakan pola harvesting dengan cara mengambil sampel dalam plot yang sama (jumlah tanaman > 1 tanaman), kemudian dilakukan pengamatan terhadap parameter tinggi tanaman, berat basah tanaman, dan berat kering tanaman selama 21 hari; menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 3 faktorial dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor 1 adalah jenis tanaman, faktor 2 adalah waktu, dan faktor 3 adalah lokasi. Sementara nilai kandungan unsur organik C%, N%, C/N rasio dan P, serta kandungan logam Fe, Zn, Cd, dan Cr total diuji menggunakan metode AAS. Nilai hasil uji AAS berasal dari hasil pertumbuhan tanaman yang dikomposit sehingga terdapat 24 perlakuan tanpa ulangan. Adapun nilai translocation factor menggunakan nilai perbandingan kandungan logam pada tunas dan akar setelah 21 hari pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas kimia air limbah memiliki nilai RE sebesar 20 − 99% sehingga sistem FCR dapat dikategorikan menghilangkan polutan dengan sangat baik. Hasil nilai removal efficiency, pH, COD, BOD, NH3, NH4, Fe, Cu, dan Cr total dalam air limbah telah memenuhi baku mutu berdasarkan Permen LH No. 03 Tahun 2010 dan PP No. 82 Tahun 2001 pada kriteria mutu air kelas IV. Akan tetapi, nilai parameter BOD belum memenuhi standar PP No. 82 tahun 2001 karena berada di atas nilai baku mutu. Hasil pengukuran pertumbuhan tanaman menunjukkan bahwa tinggi tanaman dipengaruhi oleh lokasi dan kelompok pengamatan, berat basah tanaman dipengerahui oleh waktu, lokasi dan kelompok; dan berat kering tanaman dipengaruhi oleh lokasi dan kelompok. Laju pertumbuhan berat kering tanaman pada jenis tanaman Canna indica cenderung melambat terutama pada pada lokasi aerob II, sedangkan Wrightia religiosa pada lokasi anoksik mengalami peningkatan dan pada aerob I dan II cenderung melambat. Kandungan C,N, C/N dan P tergolong dalam kategori tinggi – sangat tinggi berdasarkan SNI 19-7093-2004 tentang kompos organik, sehingga tidak cocok digunakan sebagai kompos organik dan berpotensi merusak lingkungan. Akumulasi logam pada akar tanaman Canna indica dan Wrightia religiosa Fe, Zn dan Cr total diketiga reaktor mengalami peningkatan disetiap hari nya selama 21 hari pengamatan. Terutama akumulasi Fe merupakan akumulasi logam tertinggi sebesar 73,88 – 1413,88 mg dan 61,84 – 1533,50 mg. Laju penyerapan akar menunjukkan bahwa tanaman Wrightia religiosa dikeseluruhan reaktor mengalami penurunan, sedangkan Canna indica mengalami peningkatan terutama pada Cr total di reaktor anoksik. Total kapasitas penyisihan menunjukkan bahwa tanaman Canna indica lebih baik dibandingkan tanaman Wrightia religiosa terutama logam Fe. Nilai Translocation Factor menunjukkan hampir keseluruhan akumulasi logam Fe, Zn, dan Cr total di 3 lokasi. Canna indica merupakan tanaman fitoekstraksi karena perbandingan nilai akar dan tunas dan bernilai TF > 1, sedangkan untuk Wrightia religiosa nilai TF < 1 merupakan tanaman yang banyak mengakumulasi logam pada akar sehingga digolongkan sebagai tanaman rhizofiltrasi dan fitostabilisasi. Air dari WWTP II ternyata berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan kembali terutama untuk pengairan tanaman karena hampir keseluruhan parameter air seperti pH, COD, NH3, Zn, Cu, Cr total sesuai dengan PP No 82 tahun 2001 kelas IV kecuali BOD dan Fe dan NH4 tidak terdapat didalam peraturan, sedangkan untuk tanaman yang digunakan pada WWTP II berpotensi menjadi tanaman fitoremediasi, serta dapat digunakan menjadi kayu bakar terutama tanaman berkayu seperti Wrightia religiosa.
Wastewater Treatment Plant II at PT JABABEKA Bekasi is a wastewater treatment plant with a Food Chain Reactor (FCR) system, which is a system that utilizes symbiosis between plants and bacteria. The FCR system produces 60 % less sludge and is also 40 % more energy efficient. The aimas of this study were: (1) calculating the decrease in the FCR pollutant system in WWTP II, (2) increasing the growth of 2 types of Canna indica and Wrightia religiosa plants at anoxic and aerobic locations and dry weight growth rates, (3) obtaining the amount of organic and metal content Canna indica and Wrightia religiosa plants in the existing WWTP II conditions as well as the absoption rate and the value of the Translocation factor of the two types of plants. Water analysis uses th removal efficiency RE method for pollutant, these values are compared with PP No. 82 of 2001 concerning water quality criteria and Minister of Enviroment regulation No. 03 of 2010 concerning wastewater quality standarts for integrated industrial estates. Analysis of plant growth using harvesting patterns by taking samples in the same plat (number of plants > 1) then observing the parameters of plant height, plant wet weight, and plant dry weight for 21 days. Using 3 factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) with 3 replications. Factor 1 is the type of plant, Factor 2 is time, and Factor 3 is location. Meanwhile, the value of organic elements content of C %, N %, C/N ratio and P, as well as total metal content of Fe, Zn, Cd, and Cr were tested using the AAS method. The value of the AAS test results came from the results came from the results of plant growth which composited so that there were 24 treatments wihout replication. The value of TF uses the value of the ratio of metal content in shoots and roots after 21 days of observation. The results showed that the chemical waste water has an RE value of 20 – 99 % so that the FCR system can be categorized as removing pollutants very well. The results of the value of removal efficiency, pH, COD, BOD, NH3, NH4, Fe, Cu, and Cr total meet the quality standarts, based on the Minister of environment regulation No. 03 of 2010 and PP No. 82 of 2001 at least on the water quality criteria class IV. However, the value of the BOD parameter has not met the standart of PP No 82 of 2001 because it is above the water quality standarts. The results plant growth measuruments showed that plant height was influenced by location and group of observations, while for wet weight it was influenced by time, location and group, dry weight was influenced by location and group. The dry weight growth rate of Canna indica tended to slow down, especially at aerobic I and aerob II locations, while Wrightia religiosa at anoxic locations increased and in aerobic II tended to slow down. The content of C, N, C/N dan P is classified as high – very high based on SNI 19-3093-2004 concerning organic compost, so it is not suitable for use as organic compost and has the potential to damage the environment. Metal accumulation in the roots of Canna indica and Wrightia religiosa Fe, Zn, and Cr total in the three reactors increased every day for 21 days of observation especially the accumulation of Fe is the highest metal accumulation of 73,88 – 1413,88 mg and 61,84 – 1533,50 mg. the rate of root uptake showed that Wrightia religiosa plants decreased throughout the reactor, while Canna indica experienced an increase, especially in total Cr in the anoxic reactor. The total removal capacity showed that Canna indica was better than Wrightia religiosa especially Fe. The translocation Factor value shows almost the total accumulation Fe, Zn and Cr total in 3 locations. Canna indica is a phytoextraction plant because of the ratio of root and shoot values and TF > 1, while for Wrightia religiosa the TF < 1 is a plant that accumulates a lot of metal in the roots so its classified as a rhizofiltration and phytostabilizatiton plant. Water form WWTP II has the potential to be reused, especially for plant irrigation because all water parameters such as pH, COD, NH3, Zn, Cu dan Cr total are in accordance with PP No 82 of class IV except BOD and Fe and NH4 are not contained in the regulations, while the plants used in WWTP II have potential to become phytoremediation plants, and can be used as firewood, especially woody plants such as Wrightia religiosa.
Appears in Collections:MT - Multidiciplinary Program

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