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Title: Karakteristik Habitat Macan Dahan Sunda (Neofelis dardi Cuvier, 1823) di Kawasan Hutan Lindung Batutegi Lampung
Other Titles: Habitat Characteristics of Sunda Clouded Leopard (Neofelis dardi Cuvier, 1823) in the Area of Batutegi Protection Forest Lampung
Authors: Hernowo, Jarwadi Budi
Malik, Hafiz Nur
Issue Date: 4-Aug-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Macan dahan sunda (Neofelis diardi Cuvier, 1823) adalah satwa pemangsa yang terancam oleh fragmentasi habitat karena alih fungsi hutan menjadi pemukiman dan lahan pertanian. Salah satu habitat macan dahan sunda di Sumatra adalah di Hutan Lindung Batutegi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi fungsi-fungsi habitat macan dahan sunda dan karakteristiknya. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan langsung menggunakan petak-petak vegetasi, transek garis, kamera jebak, dan pengamatan tidak langsung untuk menentukan jejak-jejak aktivitas satwa. Analisis vegetasi dan tajuk digunakan untuk menggambarkan karakteristik habitat, sedangkan data satwa mangsa potensial dianalisis menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan jenis. Hasil menunjukkan area berburu macan dahan sunda adalah area bertutupan tajuk rapat (64,67%) dan terdapat banyak mangsa potensial. Mangsa potensial dengan keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan yang lebih tinggi ditemukan di habitat hutan dataran rendah (H’=2,35), sedangkan keanekaragaman mangsa potensial yang lebih rendah ditemukan di habitat hutan pegunungan bawah (H’=1,81). Area istirahat, tidur, dan berlindung macan dahan sunda adalah area-area bertutupan tajuk sangat rapat (78,64% dan 73,43%).
Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi Cuvier, 1823) is a predator that threatened by habitat fragmentation due to the conversion of forest into residential and agricultural areas. One of the habitats of sunda clouded leopard in Sumatra is in the Batutegi Protection Forest. This research aimed to identify the habitat functions of sunda clouded leopard and its characteristic. Data were collected by direct observation using vegetation plots, line transect, camera trapping, and indirect observation to determine signs of animal activities. Vegetation and canopy openness analysis was used to describe the habitat characteristic, while data of potential prey were analyzed using species diversity and abundance indices. The results show that hunting area for sunda clouded leopard is an area with dense canopy cover (64,67%) and abundance potential prey. Potential prey diversity and abundance with higher rate found in lowland forest (H’=2,35), while the lower rate found in sub-montane forest (H’=1,81). Resting, sleeping, and hiding area for sunda clouded leopard are areas with very dense canopy cover (78,64% and 73,43%).
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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