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Title: Karakteristik Morfologi dan Ekologi Tanaman Buah Penghijauan di Pinggir Jalan Kota Bandung
Other Titles: Morphological and Ecological Characteristic of Fruit Tree Species as Roadside Greenery in Bandung City
Authors: Widodo, Winarso Drajad
Santosa, Edi
Saputro, Imron Gempur
Issue Date: Aug-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Secara umum tanaman buah dipahami sebagai penghasil pangan, namun seiring dengan perluasan fungsi tanaman buah sebagai tanaman ekologi menjadi tren tersendiri. Tren penggunaan tanaman buah-buahan sebagai tanaman penghijauan di perkotaan terus meningkat di Indonesia. Di sisi lain, agro-ekologi tanaman buah sebagai penghijauan di perkotaan masih belum terpetakan dengan baik karena terbatasnya referensi yang memadai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran dan karakteristik morfologi-ekologi tanaman buah sebagai penghijauan di pinggir jalan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat pada Juli 2020 sampai dengan September 2021. Pemilihan objek pengamatan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebaran tanaman buah yang ada di pinggir jalan utama Kota Bandung, meliputi tipe jalan alteri primer jalan nasional, kolektor primer jalan provinsi, alteri sekunder jalan kota, dan kolektor sekunder jalan kota. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode transek mengikuti jalur jalan kendaraan. Secara umum, ditemukan 25 jenis tanaman pinggir jalan terdiri atas 14 jenis tanaman buah dan 11 jenis pohon berkayu. Kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) menjadi satu-satunya tanaman buah yang ditemukan di seluruh segmen jalan. Indeks keragaman tanaman pinggir jalan berkisar antara 1.15-1.94, yang mengindikasikan tingkat keragaman pada level sedang. Kajian lanjut terkait karakteristik morfologi pada 14 jenis tanaman buah di 11 ruas jalan menunjukkan terdapat 6 tanaman buah yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai pohon peneduh di pinggir jalan, yakni kersen, sawo kecik, jambu air, mangga, mengkudu, dan sirsak. Secara empiris, tanaman buah tersebut telah dikenal masyarakat sebagai sumber pangan dan dipercaya memiliki khasiat bagi kesehatan. Adapun secara ekologi terdapat faktor pembatas utama yang dihadapi yaitu kabel melintang di atas pohon, lokasi akar sempit, akar tanaman ada jalur pipa, bawah pohon sebagai tempat usaha, pohon dekat lampu jalan, dan pohon dekat areal komersial. Dalam rangka menciptakan keseimbangan ekologi kota, dibutuhkan kerjasama antar beberapa instansi pemerintah terkait yang berwenang untuk mengatasi permasalahan faktor-faktor pembatas tersebut. Berdasarkan karakteristik morfologi dan ekologi serta hasil asesmen risiko dan kesesuaian fungsi tanaman, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa tanaman buah kersen, sawo kecik, jambu air, mangga, dan sirsak bisa menjadi pilihan alternatif tanaman buah di pinggir jalan dalam program penghijauan di perkotaan. Meski demikian, diperlukan kajian lebih lanjut terkait tata letak dan dukungan teknologi hortikultura terhadap tanaman tersebut demi terciptanya keseimbangan ekologi kota.
In general, fruit plants were understood as food producers, but along with the increasing trend of using fruit plants as urban plants, there are an expansion of their function as ecological plants. The trend of fruit plants that are used as greenery in urban areas was grown in Indonesia. On the other hand, the agroecology of fruit trees as greenery in urban areas is still not well mapped and adequate references were limited. The aim of this study was to identify the morphological and ecological characteristics of fruit trees as roadside greenery. The research was conducted in Bandung City, West Java Province for a year and a half from July 2020 to September 2021. The object of observation was the distribution of fruit trees along the main road in Bandung using the transect method following the vehicle's path. In general, 25 types of roadside plants were found consisting of 14 types of fruit trees and 11 types of woody trees. Calabur tree was the only fruit plants found in all type of the road. The roadside plant diversity index is 1.15-1.94, which indicates medium diversity. Further studies on the morphological characteristics of 14 types of fruit trees on 11 roads sections showed that there were six fruit plants that according to the criteria as greenery in urban areas, namely calabur tree, sawo kecik, rose apple, mango, noni, and soursop. Empirically, these fruit plants have been known to the public as a source of food and are believed to have health benefits. The main limiting factors faced were transverse cables above trees, narrow root locations, plant roots with pipelines, under trees as places of business, trees near street lights, and trees near commercial areas. In order to create an ecological balance, it requires cooperation between several authorized government agencies to overcome the problem of these limiting factors. Based on the morphological and ecological characteristics as well as the results of the suitability of functions and risks, it can be concluded that there are five fruit plants as greenery in the city of Bandung, namely calabur tree, sawo kecik, rose apple, mango, and soursop. However, further studies are needed regarding the layout and support of horticultural technology for these plants.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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