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dc.contributor.advisorHidayati, Rini-
dc.contributor.advisorTaufik, Muh-
dc.contributor.authorArinda, Dela-
dc.description.abstractDiare merupakan penyakit menular yang menjadi penyebab masalah kesehatan dan kasus kematian, terutama pada balita. Penyakit diare dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan seperti iklim, kejadian hidrometeorologi dan faktor non-iklim. Terdapat ketidakkonsistenan antara faktor tersebut dengan prevalensi diare. Hal tersebut membuka celah untuk mengkaji ketidakkonsistenan tersebut dengan mempelajari literatur mutakhir melalui tinjauan pustaka sistematis (systematic literature review).Tinjauan pustaka sistematis dilakukan dengan identifikasi research question, pencarian literatur, penyaringan literatur serta estraksi informasi. Hasil tinjauan menunjukkan faktor iklim yang berpengaruh pada kejadian penyakit diare meliputi curah hujan, suhu udara, kelembapan udara, dan kecepatan angin, sedangkan kejadian hidrometeorologi yang berpengaruh, yaitu banjir dan kekeringan. Faktor non-iklim yang berpengaruh adalah topografi, level air sungai, kepadatan penduduk, kualitas air, status ekonomi, fasilitas toilet, air pipa, dan pendidikan/literasi. Ketidakkonsistenan faktor iklim dikarenakan perbedaan patogen diare, penggunaan lag time dan terjadinya konsentrasi dan dilusi dari patogen. Kesenjangan dari penelitian, yaitu terbatasnya perhatian pada faktor iklim dalam konteks threshold curah hujan, suhu dan banjir yang digunakan dalam analisis, limitasi dalam penyertaan agen patogen, keterbatasan pada data diare yang digunakan dalam analisis memungkinkan tidak mewakili data diare yang sebenarnya, terbatasnya perhatian pada peralihan kondisi kering dan basah. Hubungan antara faktor iklim dengan prevalensi diare dapat diketahui lebih mendalam dengan melakukan meta
dc.description.abstractDiarrhea is one of infectious disease that causes health problems and causes of death, especially in toddlers. The diseases is influenced by various environmental factors including climate, hydrometeorological events and non- climatic factors. But the influence may vary among the factors that leads to the inconsistency knowledge on the topics. Here, inonsistency is systematically based on the latest literatures on the topics by conducting a systematic literature review. The review was carried out based on the following procedures: identifying research questions, searching the literatures, filtering literatures, and extracting information from the selected literatures. The results show that diarrhea was influenced by the following climatic factors : the incidence of rainfall, air temperature, humidity, and windspeed. For, hydromteorological events floods and drought events are the major contributor to diarrheas. The findings also reveal that topography, river water level, population density, air quality, economic status, toilet facilities, water pipes, and education/literacy are categorized as non-climatic factors that influence diarrhea. Inconsistency of climatic factors due to differences in diarrheal pathogens, time delays and the occurrence of concentrations and dilutions of pathogens. The gaps in the study, namely the limited attention to climatic factors in the context of the rainfall, temperature, and flood thresholds used in the analysis, limitations in the inclusion of pathogenic agents, and limitations in the diarrhea data used in the study, may not represent the actual diarrhea data, limited attention to the transition dry and wet conditions. The relationship between climatic factors and the prevalence of diarrhea can be known more deeply by conducting a meta-analysisid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleHubungan Prevalensi Diare Dengan Faktor Iklim dan Kejadian Hidrometeorologi Pada Wilayah Tropis : A Systematic Literature Reviewid
dc.title.alternativeRelationship Between The Prevalence Of Diarrhea With Climate Factors And Hydrometeorological Events In Tropical Regions : A Systematic Literature Reviewid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordclimate factorsid
dc.subject.keywordhydrometeorological eventsid
dc.subject.keywordnon-climate factorsid
dc.subject.keywordthe prevalence of diarrheaid
Appears in Collections:UT - Geophysics and Meteorology

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