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Title: Aplikasi Edible Coating Berbahan Pati Jagung dan Lengkuas Merah untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Ubi Jalar Cilembu
Other Titles: Application of Edible Coating from Corn Starch and Red Galangal to Maintain The Quality of The Cilembu Sweet Potatoes
Authors: Sutrisno
Suwadi, Ajeng Putri Pratiwi
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Komoditas ubi jalar cilembu banyak diminati oleh konsumen domestik maupun mancanegara karena mengandung karbohidrat dan kalori yang cukup tinggi, serta rasa manis seperti madu yang menjadi ciri ubi jalar cilembu. Namun, karena umur simpan singkat dan kualitas hasil panen yang rendah, ubi jalar cilembu memerlukan penanganan pascapanen yang tepat. Edible coating merupakan cara efektif mempertahankan kualitas ubi jalar cilembu, karena berfungsi sebagai pelindung produk yang aman dikonsumsi dan dapat memperlambat transpirasi serta respirasi ubi jalar cilembu. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengatahui pengaruh penggunaan edible coating dengan kombinasi pati jagung dan ekstrak lengkuas merah terhadap kualitas ubi jalar cilembu selama masa simpan. Prosedur penelitian meliputi persiapan sampel, pembuatan larutan edible coating, pengaplikasian edible coating, dan pengamatan selama 30 hari masa simpan. Larutan edible coating terbuat dari kombinasi pati jagung 2% serta lengkuas merah 1%, 3%, dan 5%. Pengaplikasian edible coating dilakukan menggunakan metode pencelupan sebanyak satu kali selama satu menit. Edible coating P1L3 merupakan perlakuan paling efektif untuk menjaga kualitas mutu dan memperpanjang masa simpan ubi jalar cilembu dengan meminimalisir susut bobot 8.91%, kadar air 66.02%, kekerasan 7.49 kgf, total padatan terlarut 17.3oBrix, dan spot coklat 12.33%.
The cilembu sweet potatoes commodity is in great demand by domestic and foreign consumers because it contains fairly high carbohydrates and calories, as well as a sweet taste like honey which is a characteristic of cilembu sweet potatoes. However, due to the short shelf life and low yield quality, cilembu sweet potatoes require proper postharvest handling. Edible coating is an effective way to maintain the quality of cilembu sweet potatoes, because it functions as a protector of products that are safe for consumption and can slow down the transpiration and respiration of cilembu sweet potatoes.The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of edible coating with a combination of corn starch and red galangal extract on the quality of cilembu sweet potatoes during the shelf life. The research procedure includes sample preparation, making edible coating solution, applying edible coating, and observation for 30 days of shelf life. Edible coating solution is made from a combination of 2% corn starch and 1%, 3%, and 5% red galangal. The application of edible coating is carried out using the dipping methode once for one minute. Edible coating P1L3 is the most effective treatment to maintain quality and extend shelf life cilembu sweet potatoes by minimize weight loss 8.91%, moisture content 66.02%, hardness 7.49 kgf, total dissolved solids 17.3oBrix, and brown spots 12.33%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

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