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dc.contributor.advisorArif, Ridi-
dc.contributor.advisorPrasetyaningtyas, Wahono Esthi-
dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Rahmat-
dc.description.abstractFasciolosis dan paramphistomosis adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh parasit cacing yang menyerang hati dan rumen dimana penularannya dapat melalui siput. Penyakit tersebut dapat menyebabkan kerugian baik dari segi kesehatan maupun ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kejadian fasciolosis dan paramphistomosis serta menghitung kenaikan populasi pada sapi potong di Provinsi Sumatra Utara. Data sekunder mengenai helminthiasis ini diperoleh dari Balai Veteriner Medan dari tahun 2019-2020 dan dilengkapi dengan data dari Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Peternakan Provinsi Sumatra Utara. Total populasi sapi potong di Provinsi Sumatra Utara pada tahun 2019 sebanyak 864.680 ekor dan pada tahun 2020 sebanyak 891.868 ekor yang tersebar di 33 kabupaten/kota. Survailans yang dilakukan oleh Balai Veteriner Medan meliputi 22 kabupaten/kota. Data yang diperoleh disajikan secra deskriptif dan diolah menggunakan software Microsoft Excel® 2007. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kejadian paramphistomosis lebih tinggi daripada fasciolosis, dengan persentase berturut-turut sebesar 48,49% dan 5,48%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sapi potong di Provinsi Sumatra Utara lebih banyak menderita paramphistomosis daripada fasciolosis. Sementara itu, dari segi pertumbuhan populasi sapi potong di provinsi Sumatra Utara tetap mengalami peningkatan dari tahun
dc.description.abstractFasciolosis and paramphistomosis are diseases caused by worm parasites that attack the liver and rumen where the transmission can be through snails. The disease can cause losses both in terms of health and economics. This study aims to analyze the incidence of fasciolosis and paramphistomosis and calculate the population increase in beef cattle in North Sumatra Province. This secondary data on helminthiasis was obtained from the Medan Veterinary Center from 2019-2020 and is complemented by data from the Food Security and Livestock Service Office of North Sumatra Province. The total population of beef cattle in North Sumatra Province in 2019 was 864.680 heads and in 2020 as many as 891.868 heads spread across 33 districts/cities. The surveillance carried out by the Medan Veterinary Center covers 22 districts/cities. The data obtained were presented descriptively and processed using Microsoft Excel® 2007 software. The results showed that the incidence of paramphistomosis was higher than fasciolosis, with the percentages being 48,49% and 5,48%, respectively. Based on these results, it can be concluded that beef cattle in North Sumatra Province suffer more from paramphistomosis than fasciolosis. Meanwhile, in terms of population growth, beef cattle in North Sumatra province continued to increase from
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKejadian Fasciolosis dan Paramphistomosis pada Sapi Potong di Provinsi Sumatra Utara Tahun 2019-2020id
dc.title.alternativeIncidence of Fasciolosis and Paramphistomosis in Beef Cattle of North Sumatra Province from 2019-2020id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordBeef cattleid
dc.subject.keywordNorth Sumatra Provinceid
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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