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Title: Kandungan Gizi dan Bioavailabilitas Zn dan Fe pada Cookies Bekatul Padi ‘Inpari IR Nutri Zinc’ dan ‘Ciherang’
Other Titles: Nutritional Content and Bioavailability of Zn and Fe in ‘Inpari IR Nutri Zinc’ and ‘Ciherang’ Rice Bran Cookies
Authors: Damayanthi, Evy
Rochana, Fariha
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Masalah kekurangan zat gizi mikro, seperti seng dan besi, sering terjadi pada anak-anak. Saat ini telah dikembangkan varietas padi biofortifikasi seng, yaitu ‘Inpari IR Nutri Zinc’. Bekatul padi merupakan produk samping yang tersedia banyak dan mengandung tinggi vitamin, mineral, dan komponen bioaktif. Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan produk cookies yang disubstitusi bekatul, mengkaji perbedaan kandungan gizi dan bioavailabilitas Zn dan Fe, serta menghitung kontribusi energi dan zat gizi pada cookies bekatul varietas padi ‘Inpari IR Nutri Zinc’ dan ‘Ciherang’. Penelitian pendahuluan menggunakan desain rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan jenis tepung dan tingkat substitusi sebanyak 8 sampel. Sampel dianalisis menggunakan uji organoleptik untuk mencari formula terbaik yang kemudian digunakan dalam penelitian utama. Penelitian utama melihat perbedaan varietas padi dan substitusi bekatul terhadap kandungan gizi dan bioavailabilitas mineral. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan ANOVA dan Duncan, serta T Test. Formula terbaik adalah cookies sagu dengan susbtitusi bekatul 10%. Cookies bekatul ‘Inpari IR Nutri Zinc’ dan ‘Ciherang’ berbeda nyata pada kadar abu (p=0,023) dan Zn (p=0,017), namun tidak berbeda nyata pada analisis kimia yang lain (p<0,05). Per takaran saji cookies bekatul telah memenuhi kontribusi makanan selingan yang dianjurkan, yaitu 10,31-10,71%.
Zinc and iron deficiencies are common in children. Currently, a zinc biofortified rice variety has been developed, namely 'Inpari IR Nutri Zinc'. Rice bran is a by-product that is widely available and contains high levels of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive components. The research aims to develop cookies substituted with rice bran, examine differences in the nutrient content and bioavailability of Zn and Fe, and calculate the nutrients contribution of 'Inpari IR Nutri Zinc' and 'Ciherang’ rice bran cookies. The preliminary study used a completely randomized design with 8 samples of flour type and level of substitution. Samples were analyzed using organoleptic tests to find the best formula which used in the main research. The main research looked at the differences in rice varieties and bran substitution on the nutrient content and mineral bioavailability. The research results were analyzed by ANOVA and Duncan, and also the T Test. The best formula is sago cookies with 10% bran substitution. 'Inpari IR Nutri Zinc' and 'Ciherang' rice bran cookies were significantly different in ash content (p=0.023) and Zn (p=0.017), but not significantly different in others chemical analysis (p<0,05). Per serving of rice bran cookies have fulfilled the recommended snack contribution, which is 10.31-10.71%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science

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