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Title: Synthesis of Polypropylene-Based Antistatic Bio-nano Composites Reinforced with Mono-diacylglycerols and Cellulose Nanocrystals as Electronic Device Packaging
Other Titles: Sintesis Bio-nano Komposit Antistatik Berbasis Polipropilena yang Diperkuat dengan Mono-Diasilgliserol dan Nanokristal Selulosa sebagai Kemasan Perangkat Elektronik
Authors: Setyaningsih, Dwi
Fahma, Farah
Indrasti, Nastiti Siswi
Sarfat, Muhammad Syukur
Issue Date: 20-Jul-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: The advancement of science in the era of globalization requires scientists to continue to carry out research to produce new knowledge in their fields, one of which is materials science. One of the material sciences that has a high attention to be discovered is synthetic polymer-based materials. This is in line with the trend of using synthetic polymer-based materials which are predicted to increase to fulfill human needs. One example is the use of synthetic polypropylene (PP) polymers. PP is known as a polymer that is susceptible to high temperatures, flammable, prone to UV degradation, susceptible to oxidation, difficult to paint, and can damage the environment due to its non-degradable nature, but PP is recyclable. Therefore, to minimize the disadvantages of PP, it is necessary to modify PP into bio-nano composites which have antistatic properties, are easily decomposed, and have high mechanical strength. PP modification is carried out by adding natural material, namely mono-diacylglycerols (M-DAG) from palm oil by-products as antistatic agents and lubricants in the extrusion process, and cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) as reinforcement and biodegradability enhancers. The combination of M-DAG and CNC is expected to produce a synergistic effect to improve the quality of the antistatic bio-nano composites. In addition, to improve their performance, it is necessary to analyze the required Cumulative Energy Demand (CED), Cumulative Cost Demand (CCD), and the Global Warming Potential (GWP) generated during the synthesis process of antistatic bio-nano composites using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. LCA is a “cradle to grave” method that is divided into four main options to determine system boundaries that are analyzed according to the ISO 14044 standard. The final stage of this research is to estimate the performance and physical and mechanical characteristics of antistatic bio-nano composites as the new generation of electronic device packaging materials. The main purpose of this research is to synthesize PP-based antistatic bio-nano composites reinforced with M-DAG and CNC and their potential application in electronic device packaging. The specific purposes of this research are: (1) to identify the characteristics of raw materials for the synthesis of antistatic bio-nano composites; (2) to analyze the performance and mechanical characteristics of PP-based antistatic bio-nano composites reinforced with M-DAG and CNC at different concentrations compared to the performance and mechanical characteristics of pure PP; (3) to calculate the effect of the use of M-DAG at cycle time (CT) in the synthesis of antistatic bio-nano composites pellets using a twin-screw extruder; (4) to assess the CED and CCD required and environmental impact generated during the synthesis of antistatic bio-nano composites; and (5) to estimate the performance, physical and mechanical characteristics of antistatic bio-nano composites as the new generation of electronic device packaging materials. The results of this research show that, based on their physical properties, M-DAG, CNC, PP, and supporting materials as potential raw materials for the synthesis of antistatic bio-nano composites. Based on the characteristics of mechanical, thermal properties, and electrical resistivity of antistatic bio-nano composites, making it has potentially developed as the new generation of electronic device packaging. The mechanical properties of antistatic bio-nano composites show the best antistatic bio-nano composites were obtained by the following AS-BNC-2.5 treatment with 11.0711 MPa flexural modulus, 30.3760 MPa yield strength, 23.7960% yield elongation, 1.6591 J/m2 impact strength, and 10 10-12 Ω/sq resistivity, which is greater than the treatment of pure PP with an increase of 3.63, 49.93, 1.00, 3.60%, respectively (without resistivity). The electrical resistivity value of the antistatic bio-nano composites was obtained which was still in the range of antistatic values of 1010 – 1012 Ω/sq. The use of 93.38% of PP, 2% of M-DAG, 2.5% of CNC, 4% of MAPP, 0.02% MO, 0.03% of AO 1010, and 0.07% of AO 168 in the synthesis of antistatic bio-nano composites can reduction the CED required, with a percentage of CED reduced was 3.71%. The CCD required per kg mass of antistatic bio-nano composites pellets was 70,746.44 IDR is higher than the CCD required per kg mass of PP pellets was 25,577.27 IDR. The total environmental impacts after the normalization of the impact category show that the use of 2% M-DAG and 2.5% CNC in the synthesis of antistatic bio-nano composites can reduce the total environmental impact when compared to PP synthesis with the percentage of environmental impact reduced by 4.58%. Efficiency in the use of energy and natural resources is considered necessary to minimize the CED, CCD, and environmental impact per kg of antistatic bio-nano composites pellets. The advantages of the results of this research are the use of M-DAG can function as a lubricant so that the antistatic bio-nano composites synthesis process time is faster than without the use of M-DAG, the use of M-DAG can function as an inhibitor of thermal degradation during the synthesis of antistatic bio-nano composites, and the use of M-DAD and CNC can reduce energy use and environmental impact. The disadvantages of the results of this research are based on the color characteristics of antistatic bio-nano composites, it is difficult to be colored, the temperature control during the synthesis process needs to be optimized so that thermal degradation can be minimized, and the use of CNC concentration of more than 2.5% can cause blockages in the molding machine. Therefore, the modification of the molding machine is needed to minimize the blockages during the antistatic bio-nano composites synthesis process. The demands for product development of electronic device packaging products that are super-insulator, flexible, lightweight, shape controllable, not susceptible to heat exposure, low density, anti-electromagnetic, and high reliability make the potential for antistatic bio-nano composites to be developed as electronic device packaging. Further identification is needed to improve the characteristics of antistatic bio-nano composites as packaging for the new generation of electronic devices.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture Technology

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