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Title: Karakteristik pH dan Organoleptik Kefir Berbahan Air Leri dengan Penambahan Madu Lebah (Trigona sp.)
Other Titles: pH and Organoleptic Characteristics of Kefir Made from Leri Water With the Addition of Bee Honey ( Trigona sp.)
Authors: Hasan, Akhmad Endang Zainal
Safira, Ukhradiya Magharaniq
Berutu, Novi Lepiana
Issue Date: Jul-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kefir merupakan salah satu minuman fermentasi yang dibuat dengan menambahkan kefir grains (bibit kefir) ke dalam susu kemudian difermentasi sehingga menghasilkan rasa, warna, dan konsistensi seperti yoghurt dan beraroma alkohol. Umumnya, kefir terbuat dari bahan dasar susu hewani seperti susu sapi, susu kambing, ataupun susu nabati. Namun, susu masih mengandung laktosa yang cukup tinggi sehingga tidak dapat dikonsumsi oleh penderita lactose intolerance. Selain itu, pengolahan kefir dari bahan dasar berupa cairan seperti air leri yang mengandung gula masih terbatas. Kandungan gula yang tedapat pada air leri masih terbatas sehingga madu dapat digunakan sebagai sumber gula alami yang akan membantu fermentasi kefir. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kualitas kefir berbahan dasar air leri dengan penambahan madu lebah (Trigona sp.). Metode penelitian meliputi analisis pH dan uji organoleptik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi penambahan volume madu Trigona sp. berpengaruh nyata terhadap pH. Nilai pH terbaik dari ketiga sampel ialah sampel ketan putih dengan konsentrasi 50% dengan penambahan madu 10 mL dengan nilai pH berada pada 3.80. Semakin banyak madu yang ditambahkan akan menyebabkan nilai pH kefir air leri menurun. Uji organoleptik menunjukkan hasil dimana panelis lebih menyukai kefir ketan putih konsentrasi 50% dengan penambahan madu 10 mL. Simpulan dari penelitian ini selain susu, kefir dapat menggunakan air leri ketan putih dengan konsentrasi 50% dengan penambahan madu 10 mL sebagai bahan dasar dalam pembuatan kefir.
Kefir is a fermented beverage made by adding kefir grains to milk and then fermenting it to produce a yogurt-like taste, color, and consistency. Generally, kefir is made from animal milk, such as cow's milk, goat's milk, or vegetable milk. However, milk still contains lactose which is high enough so that it cannot be consumed by people with lactose intolerance. In addition, the processing of kefir from basic ingredients in the form of liquids such as leri water which contains sugar is still limited. The sugar content in leri water is still limited, so honey can be used as a natural sugar source that will help ferment kefir. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the quality of kefir made from leri water with the addition of bee honey (Trigona sp.). Research methods include pH analysis and organoleptic tests. Based on the results of the study showed variations in the volume addition of Trigona sp. significant effect on pH. The best pH value of the three samples was a sample of white sticky rice with a concentration of 50% with the addition of 10 mL of honey with a pH value of 3.80. The more honey added will cause the pH value of the kefir water to decrease. The organoleptic test showed that the panelists preferred the 50% concentration of white glutinous kefir with the addition of 10 mL of honey. The conclusion from this research is that in addition to milk, kefir can use white glutinous rice water with a concentration of 50% with the addition of 10 mL of honey as a basic ingredient in making kefir.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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