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Title: Produksi dan Kualitas Susu Sapi Perah Berdasarkan Evaluasi Good Dairy Farming Practices dan Good Milking Practices di Cijeruk
Other Titles: Dairy Cow Milk Production and Quality Based on Good Dairy Farming Practices and Good Milking Practices Evaluation in Cijeruk
Authors: Cyrilla ENSD, Lucia
Komala, Iyep
Dhiyaulhaq, Faza
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: National milk demand from year to year continues to increase due to the increase in the Indonesian population and the increase in living standards. One of the efforts to optimize milk production in the dairy cattle business and maximize livestock productivity is to manage the livestock business in a professional manner. The success of a dairy farming business is closely related to the implementation of livestock management carried out by farmers. There are dairy farming guidelines such as Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) to increase milk production and Good Milking Practices (GMiP) to maintain milk quality. Interviews were conducted with 19 farmers belonging to the Ternak Mandiri Sejahtera Group. The results of the evaluation of the implementation of GDFP showed an average value of 3.06 (good) and the evaluation of the application of GMiP showed an average value of 2.93 (good enough). The average milk production shows poor results. The quality of the milk produced is in accordance with the specified requirements.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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