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Title: Diferensiasi Sel Darah Putih (Leukosit) Ayam IPB-D1 dan IPB-D2
Other Titles: Differential Leucocytes of IPB-D1 and IPB-D2 Chickens
Authors: Murtini, Sri
Sumantri, Cece
Putri, Kanya Anangga
Issue Date: Jul-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ayam broiler merupakan jenis ayam produktif yang banyak dipelihara masyarakat, namun rentan terhadap penyakit. Rumpun ayam IPB-D1 dan calon galur ayam IPB-D2 merupakan ayam yang dikembangkan secara khusus dari silangan ayam broiler, pelung, sentul, dan kampung yang diharapkan memiliki produktivitas tinggi dan tahan terhadap penyakit. Ketahanan penyakit dapat diamati dari profil gambaran darahnya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran diferensial leukosit ayam IPB-D1 dan IPB-D2, meliputi persentase dari limfosit, heterofil, monosit, basofil, dan eosinofil. Sebanyak masing-masing 25 dan 30 ekor ayam IPB-D1 dan IPB-D2 umur 21 minggu digunakan dalam penelitian. Darah diambil dari v. brachialis dan dibuat sediaan ulas darah dengan pewarnaan Giemsa. Sediaan diamati dengan mikroskop perbesaran 100x10. Jenis leukosit diidentifikasi dengan melihat literatur sebagai acuan, kemudian dihitung menggunakan aplikasi Haematology Counter hingga mencapai 100 buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase limfosit, heterofil, dan monosit antara ayam IPB-D1 dan IPB-D2 tidak berbeda nyata, sedangkan persentase basofil dan eosinofil keduanya berbeda nyata. Perbedaan persentase basofil dan eosinofil ini mengindikasikan bahwa ayam IPB- D1 memiliki potensi yang lebih besar dalam menunjukkan respon terhadap hipersensitivitas, sedangkan ayam IPB-D2 memiliki potensi yang lebih tinggi dalam menunjukkan respon terhadap kerusakan jaringan, infeksi parasit, atau stres. Ayam IPB-D1 dan IPB-D2 memiliki potensi lebih besar dalam membentuk respon imun nonspesifik terhadap antigen, lebih tahan terhadap stres, serta memiliki kemungkinan yang lebih kecil untuk terinfeksi agen penyakit tertentu bila dibandingkan dengan tetuanya.
Broiler chickens are widely raised by people due to its high productivity, but they are quite prone to diseases. IPB-D1 chicken line and IPB-D2 chickens as candidates of a new strain have been developed specifically from crossbreeding broiler, pelung, and sentul chickens which are desired to have both high productivity and better resistance to diseases. Resistance to diseases can be observed by looking at the blood profile. This research’s purpose is to learn about IPB-D1 and IPB-D2 chicken differential leucocytes, which consists of percentages of lymphocytes, heterophils, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils. This research used 25 IPB-D1 chickens and 30 IPB-D2 chickens which are 21 weeks old. The blood sample was taken from v. brachialis and made into Giemsa stained smears. The samples’ leucocytes were inspected below a light microscope with 100x10 magnifying. The leucocytes identifications was done by looking at references, counted with Haematology Counter. The percentages of lymphocytes, heterophils, and monocytes between IPB-D1 and IPB-D2 chickens are not significantly different, while the percentage of basophils and eosinophils are significantly different, according to statistics. The significant differences between basophils and eosinophils’ percentages indicates that the group of IPB-D1 chickens has greater potential of showing hypersensitivity, while group of IPB-D2 chickens has greater potential of showing response to tissue damages, parasite infections, or stress. According to their lymphocytes, heterophils, and monocytes percentages, IPB-D1 and IPB-D2 chickens have greater potential of making a spesific and nonspecific immune response to antigens, are more resistant to stress, and also have lesser chance of being infected with antigens, compared to their origin races.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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