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Title: Identifikasi Biometrik Telur Heterakis gallinarum Menggunakan Software Dino-Lite dan ImageJ
Other Titles: Biometric Identification of Heterakis gallinarum Eggs Using DinoLite and ImageJ Software
Authors: Arif, Ridi
Maheshwari, Hera
Destini, Rika
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2022
Publisher: IPB Universtiy
Abstract: Heterakiasis adalah penyakit cacingan yang disesbabkan oleh Heterakis gallinarum yang menyerang saluran pencernaan pada ayam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari dan menentukan karakteristik telur Heterakis gallinarum berdasarkan ukuran panjang telur, lebar telur, radius mayor, radius minor, luas telur, keliling telur, eksentrisitas telur, dan panjang latus rectum telur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan telur cacing dengan 3 kali pengulangan dan masing-masing 10 telur setiap pengulangan. Pengamatan biometrik dilakukan dengan kamera Dino-Eye yang dipasangkan ke mikroskop dan disambungkan dengan software Dino-Lite pada laptop. Data diolah menggunakan ImageJ, Microsoft Excel, SPSS, dan GeoGebra. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan telur H. gallinarum berbentuk menyerupai elips dengan albumin tebal. Telur memiliki rata-rata panjang telur 58,605 ± 5,613 μm, lebar telur 36,174 ± 3,983 μm, radius mayor dan minor telur masing-masing 29,303 ± 2,806 μm dan 18,088 ± 1,992 μm, luas telur menggunakan rumus 1673,378 ± 309,556 μm , luas telur menggunakan ImageJ 1786,368 ± 355,535 μm2, keliling telur menggunakan rumus 148,803 ± 13,261 μm, keliling telur menggunakan ImageJ 174,744 ± 24,345 μm, panjang latus rectum telur 22,549 ± 4,215 μm, dan eksentrisitas 0,781 ± 0,052 μm. GeoGebra dapat memvisualiasikan bentuk telur H. gallinarum.
Heterakiasis is a helminthic disease caused by Heterakis gallinarum which attacks the gastro-intestinal tract of chickens. This study aims to study and determine the characteristics of Heterakis gallinarum eggs based on the length, width, radius major, radius minor, area, perimeter, eccentricity, and the length of latus rectum. The study was conducted using the worm eggs with 3 repetitions and 10 eggs each repetition. Biometric observations were done by Dino-Eye camera attached to microscope and connected to the Dino-Lite software on laptop. The data was processed using ImageJ, Microsoft Excel, SPSS, and GeoGebra. The results showed the eggs of H. gallinarum were elliptical in shape with thick albumin. Eggs have an average length 58.605 ± 5.613 μm, width 36.174 ± 3.983 μm, major and minor radius 29.303 ± 2.806 μm and 18.088 ± 1.992 μm, egg area using the formula 1673,378 ± 309.556 μm , the circumference of the egg using the formula 148,803 ± 13,261 μm while using ImageJ 174,744 ± 24,345 μm, latus rectum length 22,549 ± 4,215 μm, and the eccentricity 0.781 ± 0.052 μm. GeoGebra can visualize the shape of H. gallinarum eggs.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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